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Lexikalische Dynamik

Kognitiv-linguistische Untersuchungen am englischen Computerwortschatz

AutorMonika Elisabeth Bründl
VerlagWalter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG
ReiheLinguistische ArbeitenISSN 443
Seitenanzahl305 Seiten
Preis109,95 EUR

Computing is among the fields which have been contributing most to the expansion of the English vocabulary in recent decades. The aim of this study - which is based on a corpus comprising over 700 lexemes - is to analyse the features of the vocabulary of computing. It is shown that by taking a cognitive-linguistic view lexicology can experience a great enrichment. This is demonstrated primarily through metaphors, such as client, cookie, bookmark. A combination of morphological, semantic, phonological and cognitive aspects turns out to be the most satisfactory method of analyzing (new) lexemes.

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