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Fachliteratur im eBook Format - Verlag: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG
14882 E-Book vorhanden

Die Welt als Bild

E-Book Die Welt als Bild

The volume is devoted to the question of the pictoriality of world views. Representatives from a variety of disciplines (theology, art history, astrophysics, history of science, philosophy) come…

Jahwe als Wettergott

E-Book Jahwe als Wettergott

It has long been suspected that Yahweh, the God of the Old Testament, was originally a weather god of the same type as the Syrian Baal. The present study presents the exegetic basis for this. It…

Was ist der Mensch?

E-Book Was ist der Mensch?

The question of the nature of man has occupied human beings everywhere and in every period including the present. The scientists, politicians, theologians, journalists, and writers assembled here…

Vertrag, Treueid und Bund

E-Book Vertrag, Treueid und Bund

The notion that God, Yahweh, concluded a 'Covenant' or 'Contract' with his people of Israel plays a prominent part in the Old Testament. Numerous correspondences between the texts of Ancient…

'Wikinger' im Mittelalter

E-Book 'Wikinger' im Mittelalter

Our present-day view of the Vikings and their activities is based mainly on Swedish poetry of the romantic period, as well as the results of archaeological research in the 20th century. But what…

Rhetorik und Geschichte

E-Book Rhetorik und Geschichte

This work considers the function of the speeches in Thucydides’ history, and how they are related to the presentation of the historical facts. In a detailed analysis of the war speeches…


E-Book Lukasevangelium

Thomas Aquinas (1224/25–1274) wrote commentaries on the four Gospels by stringing together quotations from the works of Greek and Latin Church Fathers and of later Church writers. Thus a…


E-Book Deklinationsklassen-Wandel

This study is concerned with the history of declension classes in four Germanic languages - German, Dutch, Swedish and Danish. Detailed studies in language history explore the genesis, change and…

Der Marner

E-Book Der Marner

The edition combines the texts by Der Marner, in his time a highly regarded representative of early Sangspruch poetry, translated and exhaustively commentated, with all documents referring to him…

Freiheit und Determinismus

E-Book Freiheit und Determinismus

The book contains a comprehensive commentary on Cicero's work De fato. The introductory section deals with fundamental questions from an historical and philological perspective. The main section…


E-Book Kunst

Art and philosophy are two fundamental modes of expression of human self-consciousness. What differentiates and what connects them? Only philosophy can answer this question. The question is both a…

Das Buch Esther

E-Book Das Buch Esther

The Book of Esther relates the rise of a Jewish orphan to be Queen of Persia, the promotion of the loyal Jew Mordechai to the second highest rank after the king, and the salvation of God’s…


E-Book 1614-1624

Martin Opitz (1597–1639), poet, literary reformer, diplomat and cultural politician, is known as the 'Father of German Poetry'. As an important representative of Late European Humanism he…

Dargestellte Autorschaft

E-Book Dargestellte Autorschaft

Academic texts are regarded as impersonal texts. They follow what is known as the 'I' taboo. The present study resolves the question of how the 'I' is to be seen in academic texts. The concept of…

III. (1951-1958)

E-Book III. (1951-1958)

This edition is the first to publish three lectures which the philosopher and theologian Paul Tillich, who emigrated to the USA in 1933, delivered during a Guest Professorship at the Free…

Literatur intermedial

E-Book Literatur intermedial

This collected volume examines “intermediality” for the period from 1918 to 1968, a period determined by paradigm changes in the media (photography, film, radio etc) to a particular…

Walter Kempowski

E-Book Walter Kempowski

Walter Kempowski (1929‑2007) was one of Germany’s most important contemporary authors. For the first time, this book takes stock of all aspects of his work. It includes contributions…

Rezensionen und Kritiken

E-Book Rezensionen und Kritiken

This volume collects, for the first time, all of the reviews and critiques published between 1915 and 1923 by the renowned cultural philosopher and Protestant theologian Ernst Troeltsch. The…

Stimmen der Geschichte

E-Book Stimmen der Geschichte

A common narrative device in historical writing in antiquity was the use of speeches delivered by a historical person, which the historian composed and rendered in direct speech. This work…

Haggai und Sacharja 1-8

E-Book Haggai und Sacharja 1-8

The books of Haggai and Proto-Zechariah (Zechariah 1-8) belong to the post-exilic books of the Old Testament prophets. The topic of both books is the restitution of Judah and of the Jerusalem…

Körper, Gehirne, Gene

E-Book Körper, Gehirne, Gene

German poetry of the 1990s is characterized by an intense examination of its relationship with the sciences. This book focuses on the works of the authors Durs Grünbein and Ulrike…


E-Book Selbsttäuschung

Self-deception is a problematic phenomenon because it seems so deeply irrational. Previous philosophical accounts have not succeeded in making clear the way in which it is a 'failure of reason…

Musikalische Norm um 1700

E-Book Musikalische Norm um 1700

This book explores the changes of style and knowledge about music around 1700 in eleven essays from musicology, literary studies, philosophy and legal history. The key to the change is a new…

Kulturelle Konkurrenzen

E-Book Kulturelle Konkurrenzen

This study investigates the function of 'culture' in the political rivalries of the nobility around 1600 and explores the significance of 'competition' and 'competitive zeal' in the culture of…

Topik der Kritik

E-Book Topik der Kritik

This study explores how the philosophy of Kant became the prevailing school of thought in Germany during the first years after the Critique of Pure Reason appeared (1781). The book shows that…


E-Book Konjugationsklassenwandel

Conjugation classes, e.g. strong verbs with change of vowel versus weak verbs with a t-suffix to express tense represent formal differentiations without functional equivalent. Thus, at first…

Die Asiatische Banise

E-Book Die Asiatische Banise

this historical-critical edition of the Baroque novel The Asian Banise fills a gap in research. Although the Banise was the most popular novel prior to Goethe’s Werther, until now there…

Wieland / Übersetzen

E-Book Wieland / Übersetzen

Starting from the literary translations and reflections on the theory of translation of Christoph Martin Wieland, this book deals with different modalities and methods of translating and…

Monument und Inschrift

E-Book Monument und Inschrift

One of the most important forms of senatorial representation was a monument embellished with an inscription. Inscription and monument were always intimately related, so that epigraphy and…

Pop und Ironie

E-Book Pop und Ironie

Irony is a key feature of the pop literature around 2000 and of theoretically ambitious music journalism around 1980. But whereas the pop program of the 1980s still was integrated into…

Goethe und die Rhetorik

E-Book Goethe und die Rhetorik

Goethe is still considered one of the great critics of rhetoric, who in his writing did not follow the tradition of the schools of rhetoric. Nevertheless he dealt with questions of…

Wie Jugendliche schreiben

E-Book Wie Jugendliche schreiben

Today, young people write in their leisure time far more than they did 15 years ago. Most often they use the new media to do their writing. This book explores whether the frequent writing of…

Der Eine und das Andere

E-Book Der Eine und das Andere

In this volume the history of Islamic sects is analysed as a literary genus in its own right. It consists of three sections: the first deals with structural constants in the texts such as the…


E-Book Text

this volume of the new critical edition of Klopstock’s Works and Letters contains his complete lyric poetry spanning almost his entire creative life. It was mainly Klopstock’s poetry…

Wahrnehmung und Glaube

E-Book Wahrnehmung und Glaube

For decades theology tended to be oriented towards the empirical social sciences, but since the 1990s a shift of orientation towards aesthetics has been observed. Art and aesthetic experience…

Liberale Theologie in Jena

E-Book Liberale Theologie in Jena

Liberal theology in Jena at the end of the 19th century is to be understood as an independent form of liberal theology in the meaning of a theological school of thought which aimed to mediate…


E-Book Offenheit

In recent decades there has been increased interest and fascination in the concept of openness as a kind of communication. Openness is in fact a communicative ideal of the modern age because…


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