Contents | 6 |
Acknowledgements | 9 |
Figures | 9 |
Tables | 11 |
Abbreviations | 11 |
1. Introduction | 16 |
1.1 Research Question and Hypothesis | 18 |
1.2 Theoretical and Methodological Framework | 19 |
1.3 Historical and Empirical Analysis | 21 |
2. From Regulation Theory to Cultural Political Economy | 24 |
2.1 Regulation Theory | 24 |
2.1.1 Accumulation and Regulation | 25 |
2.1.2 Social Forms and Institutional Forms | 28 |
2.1.3 The Improbability Question | 34 |
2.2 Cultural Political Economy | 37 |
2.2.1 Semiosis and Structuration | 38 |
2.2.2 Discourse and Dispositive | 41 |
2.2.3 Economic Imaginaries | 51 |
3. Towards Critical Grounded Theory | 59 |
3.1 Critical Discourse and Dispositive Analysis | 61 |
3.2 Grounded Theory Methods | 64 |
3.3 Critical Realism and Retroduction | 67 |
3.4 A Retroductive Model of Critical Grounded Theory | 70 |
3.5 A CPE Approach to Decent Work | 73 |
3.6 A CGT Study of Decent Work | 77 |
4. Neoliberal Globalisation and Labour Regulation | 90 |
4.1 A Brief History of Neolibe | 91 |
4.1.1 The Crisis of Fordism and the Forces of Globalisation | 92 |
4.1.2 Neoliberalisation and Feminisation of Labour | 98 |
4.2 History of Global Labour Regulation | 103 |
4.2.1 The ILO in Historical Context | 103 |
4.2.2 The Social Clause Debate and the Emergence of Private Regulation | 105 |
4.2.3 The Decent Work Agenda | 110 |
5. Trade Unions and Labour Politics in Indonesia | 118 |
5.1 From Independence to the New Order | 119 |
5.2 Industrial Relations under Suharto | 122 |
5.3 Resurgence of the Labour Movement and Reformasi | 124 |
5.4 The Current Situation of Organised Labour | 136 |
6. Contested Imaginaries of Decent Work | 143 |
6.1 The Better Work Programme | 143 |
6.1.1 Better Factories Cambodia | 145 |
6.1.2 Better Work Indonesia | 149 |
6.2 The Play Fair Alliance | 159 |
6.2.1 The Protocol on Freedom of Association | 161 |
6.2.2 The Dilemma of Freedom of Association | 165 |
6.3 Decent Work from Above and Below | 174 |
7. Recovered Imaginaries Beyond Decent Work | 181 |
7.1 The National Union Confederation | 183 |
7.1.1 Tracing the Emergence of KSN | 187 |
7.1.2 The Strategies of KSN | 190 |
7.2 The Indonesian People’s Movement Confederation | 193 |
7.2.1 The Economic Imaginary of Alternative Economies | 195 |
7.2.2 Practical Experiences with Alternative Economies | 196 |
7.2.3 Radical Imaginaries: Recovered or Travelled? | 199 |
7.3 The Solidarity Economy Alternative | 203 |
8. Conclusion | 215 |
Works Cited | 228 |
Index | 243 |