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Breaking new ground in diagnosis and therapy in veterinary medicine

AutorJochen Becker
VerlagBooks on Demand
Seitenanzahl72 Seiten
Preis10,99 EUR
For over 30 years the bioresonance method has been used as a means of diagnosis and therapy in human medicine. Over the past 10 years or so it has been increasingly used by veterinary surgeons too, particularly for the treatment of chronic disorders. The author, once a staunch advocate of conventional medicine, was introduced to this type of therapy purely by chance. Since ridding himself of decades of suffering with the aid of bioresonance, he has been an avid practitioner of this method in his veterinary practice. In this book Dr. Becker reports on the underlying principles and studies relating to bioresonance and the wealth of experience gained from his practice. He describes the therapy options available to treat a variety of acute and chronic disorders in veterinary practice: • Infectious diseases • Allergies • Gastro-intestinal disorders • Fertility problems • Lameness •Gum disease and other conditions

Dr. med. vet. Jochen Becker The author is a veterinary surgeon, with additional training in veterinary dentistry and acupuncture. He has been using bioresonance in his practice for the past 5 years.

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