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Essays on selected Human Resources Topics

AutorMashell Chapeyama
VerlagGRIN Verlag
Seitenanzahl192 Seiten
Kopierschutzkein Kopierschutz/DRM
Preis39,99 EUR
Fachbuch aus dem Jahr 2011 im Fachbereich Führung und Personal - Sonstiges, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: The book is a compilation of human resources essays covering the areas of international human resources management, performance appraisal and management, safety, health and environmental management, strategic planning, change management, organisational and industrial psychology, policy making and development as well as program and project evaluation. This is a quick reference resource for students and can also be invaluable to new human resources practioner. Each of the mentioned topics is covered overally, therefore giving a complete picture of the subject area. International human resources management covers the breadth of this emerging concept, by citing the arguments for and against it. There is also an evaluative consideration on the internationalisation of the human resources function. Performance appraisal and management deals with the base for appraisal and the process and importance of performance management. The issue of employee safety and health as well as environmental management has been covered comprehensively. Since change is one thing that is constant, an essay 'Management of Change' has been included in a bid to assist other students and novice personnel in the human resources field to get the gist of the area. A wide discussion on the scope and breadth of the following human topics has been also included: strategic human resources planning, policy making, organisational and industrial psychology as well as program and project evaluation. The discussion entails wide exemplification and; additional practical aspects have bee added as appendices accompanying some of the essays.

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