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Global Sourcing

An Analysis of the Implications for Organization Design

AutorGerhard Trautmann
VerlagGabler Verlag
Seitenanzahl132 Seiten
Preis46,99 EUR
Gerhard Trautmann explains the relationship between global sourcing strategy and organization design.

Dr. Gerhard Trautmann promovierte bei Prof. Dr. Christopher Jahns am Supply Management Institute (SMI) der European Business School (EBS) in Oestrich-Winkel.

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III. Implementing Global Sourcing Through Purchasing Portfolio Management (S. 45-46)


Competing globally, an issue for companies is to adapt their organizational structures and governance in increasingly complex organizations. At the functional level of purchasing, companies turn to hybrid purchasing organizations in order to leverage global sourcing benefits. One of the key challenges in this context is to distinguish between categories to be integrated across sites and those remaining under the authority of each purchasing location in order to maximize purchasing synergies. The aim of the paper is to present a purchasing portfolio model that provides a comprehensive view of relevant global synergy dimensions.

Based on a literature review, a theoreticallygrounded purchasing portfolio model for global sourcing is developed, going beyond the well-established Kraljic matrix for classifying purchasing categories. The validity of the model is explored by means of a single in-depth case study. Complementing the extant literature, the theoretical contribution of the paper lies in not only addressing category selection criteria for exploiting economies of scale, but also for economies of information &, learning and economies of process.

Keywords: Global sourcing, purchasing synergy, organization design, portfolio mode, Case study

1. Introduction

Multinational companies can no longer compete as a collection of nationally independent subsidiaries, since competition is based on the ability of the firm to integrate its subsidiary activities across geographical locations (Porter, 1986, Ohmae 1989, Bartlett and Ghoshal, 1989, Nohria and Ghoshal, 1997, Kotabe and Murray, 2004). Since the seminal paper of Malnight (1995), which put forward that globalization occurs at the level of the function, international business research has increasingly set the focus on analyzing how global integration is attained for functions, such as R&,D, marketing or manufacturing (Nobel and Birkinshaw, 1998, Sheth and Parvatiyar, 2001, Kim et al., 2003, Xu et al., 2006).

To our best knowledge, international business scholars have not put the centre of attention on purchasing. Looking at research on internationalization in the purchasing context, interest from practice and academia in global sourcing, defined as the integration of purchasing requirements across worldwide locations (Monczka and Trent, 1991), has been rising constantly during the last years. While some scholars argue that global sourcing is critical for achieving competitive advantage (Alguire et al., 1994, Carter and Narasimhan, 1996, Quintens et al., 2006b), studies have also identified that global sourcing is gaining a more prominent role on the agenda of an increasing number of firms (Samli et al., 1998, Trent and Monczka, 2003).

The rationale to engage in global sourcing is based on two sources of competitive advantage: location-specific advantages, such as access to local supply and labour markets or new technologies and company-specific competencies, which are developed through the exploitation of global synergies, such as pooling of common requirements across sites (Arnold, 1997, Faes et al., 2000, Kotabe and Murray, 2004).
Blick ins Buch
Table of Contents11
List of Figures13
List of Tables14
List of Abbreviations15
I. Introduction16
II. Organizational Design Implications of Global Sourcing: A Multiple Case Study Analysis on the application of Control Mechanisms25
1. Introduction26
2. Conceptual background28
2.1. Organizational design implications of global sourcing28
2.2. International strategy typologies and control mechanisms30
3. Research methodology36
3.1. Theoretical sampling37
3.2. Data collection38
3.3. Research process40
4. Data analysis41
4.1. International strategy typologies41
4.2. Category 1: Personal centralized control44
4.3. Category 2: Bureaucratic formalized control46
4.4. Category 3: Output control47
4.5. Category 4: Control by socialization and networks49
5. Discussion51
5.1. Global sourcing typologies51
5.2. Control mechanisms52
5.3. Towards an information processing model for global sourcing57
6. Limitations and suggestions for further research58
III. Implementing Global Sourcing Through Purchasing Portfolio Management60
1. Introduction61
2. Conceptual background64
2.1. Global purchasing synergy64
2.2. Purchasing portfolio management65
3. A purchasing portfolio approach for global sourcing67
3.1. Step 1: Analysis of strategic importance68
3.2. Step 2: Analysis of synergy potential69
4. Research methodology77
4.1. The case company77
4.2. Data collection79
5. Application of the purchasing portfolio model81
5.1. Measurement and use82
5.2. Classification of categories82
6. Summary and Conclusions88
6.1. Limitations89
6.2. Suggestions for further research90
6.3. Managerial Implications91
IV. Elaborating the Information Processing Perspective in the Global Sourcing Context93
1. Introduction94
2. Conceptual background96
2.1. Global sourcing organization96
2.2. An information processing perspective101
3. Research methodology103
3.1 Research approach103
3.2. Case selection104
3.3. Data collection106
3.4. Analysis process107
4. Data analysis109
4.1. Category characteristics and motives for global sourcing109
4.2. Application of integration mechanisms for global sourcing112
5. Theoretical explanations and discussion115
5.1. Theoretical interpretation of case evidence116
5.2. An information processing model in the global sourcing context123
5.3. Managerial implications126
6. Conclusion126

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