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Heinrich Bullinger on Prophecy and the Prophetic Office (1523-1538)

AutorDaniël Timmerman
VerlagVandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Seitenanzahl329 Seiten
Preis64,99 EUR

Dr. Daniël Timmerman (1978) ist Pfarrer der reformierten Kirchengemeinde in Eindhoven (Niederlande). Von 2005 bis 2013 kombinierte er das kirchliche Amt mit einer Tätigkeit als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Theologischen Universität von Apeldoorn. Der Schwerpunkt seiner Untersuchungen war die Geschichte der schweizerischen und oberdeutschen Reformation, mit besonderer Aufmerksamkeit für die Geschichte der Exegese und der Ämterlehre.

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Title Page4
Table of Contents6
1. Introduction12
1.1 Bullinger as church minister12
1.2 Outline of this study18
1.2.1 Object18
1.2.2 Method21
1.2.3 Sources24
1.3 Survey of research25
2. Prophets and prophecy in the Christian tradition38
2.1 New Testament prophecy39
2.2 Prophets as heralds of eschatological change41
2.2.1 Montanus and the New Prophecy42
2.2.2 Joachim and medieval monastic prophecy44
2.2.3 Luther and Müntzer: Prophets in dispute47
2.3 Prophets as interpreters of Scripture50
2.3.1 Scripture and the cessation of prophecy50
2.3.2 Prophecy and the sensus spiritualis52
2.3.3 Prophets as exegetes in the sixteenth century54 Erasmus54 Luther58 Bucer and the Strasburg milieu61
2.3.4 Prophecy and liturgical chant64
2.4 Prophets as church officials67
2.4.1 The prophet as bishop68
2.4.2 The prophet as teacher72
2.5 Prophethood of believers in general75
2.6 Conclusion81
3. Prophets in the Zurich context84
3.1 Prophecy in the early Zurich reformation85
3.1.1 Zwingli's initial position85
3.1.2 Radical applications87 The rise of Anabaptism87 Zwingli and Hubmaier on language study89 The Schleitheim articles (1527)91
3.1.3 Summary96
3.2 Zwingli's restatement of the prophetic office97
3.2.1 Von dem Predigtamt (1525)97
3.2.2 The prophet as guardian100
3.2.3 The prophet as interpreter of Scripture103
3.2.4 Later developments107 Prophetic revelation and divine inspiration107 Prophets and kings109
3.2.5 Summary112
3.3 The Zurich “Prophezei” up to 1531112
3.3.1 Historical development113
3.3.2 Relation to Zwingli's concept of prophecy119 Terminological considerations119 Between education and liturgy120
3.3.3 Summary125
3.4 Conclusion126
4. De propheta libri duo (1525)130
4.1 Introduction130
4.1.1 On De propheta libri duo130
4.1.2 Defining the prophet132
4.2 Prophetic authority in dispute136
4.2.1 The “false prophets” of Catholicism136
4.2.2 The “self-commissioned messengers” of Anabaptism143
4.3 Prophets as exegetes148
4.3.1 Prophecy and the sacred languages148
4.3.2 Prophecy and rhetorical training153
4.3.3 Summary155
4.4 Prophets as bishops156
4.4.1 Scholar or preaching minister?157
4.4.2 Consolation and admonition159
4.4.3 Summary164
4.5 Weighing the prophet's words165
4.5.1 The rule of the Spirit165
4.5.2 Published prophecies168
4.5.3 Summary170
4.6 Conclusion171
5. De prophetae officio (1532)176
5.1 Introduction176
5.1.1 On De prophetae officio176
5.1.2 Defining the prophet178
5.2 Prophetic authority and confessional controversy180
5.2.1 The rule of faith and love180
5.2.2 Between Zwingli and Luther182
5.3 Prophets as exegetes188
5.3.1 Prophets and the covenant188
5.3.2 Love exceeds linguistic training192
5.3.3 Summary197
5.4 Prophets as bishops197
5.4.1 Criticism and moderation198
5.4.2 Prophets and church discipline202
5.4.3 Prophets and the magistrate208 Earliest ideas209 Discussions 1531–1532211 Refined understanding217
5.4.4 Summary220
5.5 Conclusion221
6. De episcoporum institutione et functione (1538)224
6.1 Introduction224
6.1.1 On De episcoporum institutione et functione224
6.1.2 Defining the prophet225
6.2 From prophetic to ministerial authority228
6.2.1 Historical context228
6.2.2 Developments in the 1530s231
6.2.3 Central theme in 1538236
6.2.4 Summary240
6.3 Prophets in biblical-historical perspective241
6.3.1 Early works242
6.3.2 Dominant perspective in 1538248
6.3.3 Summary253
6.4 Prophetic imagery and church office254
6.4.1 Re-sacralization of the ministry?255
6.4.2 Prophets in relation to other New Testament functions258 Commentaries 1520s258 Commentaries 1530s262 Developments in 1538264
6.4.3 Prophecy for the educated267
6.4.4 Summary272
6.5 Conclusion274
7. Bullinger and the “Prophezei”278
7.1 Personal involvement279
7.2 Schools in historical perspective280
7.3 Prophecy in the liturgy of the Zurich church287
7.4 Prophecy and the daily office294
7.5 Conclusion298
8. Conclusion302
Works by Bullinger312
Works co-authored by Bullinger315
Secondary literature316

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