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eBooks vom Verlag: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
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Fachliteratur im eBook Format - Verlag: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Augenzeugenberichte zum 11. September 2001 und zu den Kriegen des 17. Jahrhunderts spannen den Bogen der Beiträge des vorliegenden Bandes. Eine Untersuchung der massenmedialen Darstellung der »Taten…
Die vorliegende interdisziplinäre Studie untersucht die poetische wie auch die politische Inszenierung der Pfälzischen Hochzeit des Jahres 1613 in London in den occasio-typischen Kommunikationsmedien…
Die Beiträge der gleichnamigen Tagung an der University of the South in Tennessee, USA, untersuchen die Beziehung zwischen der Auswirkung des Berliner Stadtraums auf künstlerische Darstellungen. In…
In den Cantici di Fidenzio besingt der unglückliche Fidenzio seine missglückte Liebe zu einem Schüler. Wie es sich für ihn als einen Lateinlehrer der Renaissance gehört, schöpft er dabei die antiken…
The project 'Religious Education at Schools in Europe' (REL-EDU), which is divided up into six volumes (Central Europe, Western Europe, Northern Europe, Southern Europe, South-Eastern Europe, Eastern…
The Apollo Academy, a musical club founded in 1731 by Maurice Greene and his friend Michael Christian Festing, was the performance location of various oratorios, odes and masques produced by…
Prof. Dr. Cora Dietl lehrt Deutsche Literaturgeschichte an der Universität Gießen. Dr. Glenn Ehrstine ist Professor für Deutsche Literatur und Internationale Studien an der Universität Iowa.…
In recent decades, the conceptualization of space and place as social constructs, rather than static settings has received significant attention and has been re-evaluated with an emphasis on the…
Markus Mühling takes the reader on an adventure through Narnia. He opens the door onto this fantasy world, in a manner that is accessible for and applicable to all readers, uncovering some key…
Herman Selderhuis as editor of this volume has brought together a team of experts, resulting in a unique approach since each chapter is co-written by a catholic and a protestant author, who have all…
Dr. Daniël Timmerman (1978) ist Pfarrer der reformierten Kirchengemeinde in Eindhoven (Niederlande). Von 2005 bis 2013 kombinierte er das kirchliche Amt mit einer Tätigkeit als wissenschaftlicher…
J.Marius J. Lange van Ravenswaay, Ph.D. (theol.), is director of the Johannes a Lasco Library Foundation, Emden. Dr. theol. Herman J. Selderhuis is Professor of Church History, Director of Refo500,…
The old humanistic model, aiming at universalism, ecumenism, and the globalization of various Western systems of values and beliefs, is no longer adequate - even if it pleads for an ever-wider…
This study of the Isaianic Denkschrift (Isaiah 6:1-9:6) is both a traditional and an innovative one. It defends the integrity of the Denkschrift, yet on grounds wholly other than those outlined by…
Ekaterin Matusova offers a new approach to the old problems of interpretation of the 'Letter of Aristeas'. Chapter 1 deals with the question of the structure of the narrative. Matusova argues that at…
Gewalt und die Eskalation von Gewalt werden oft von Emotionalisierung und Leidenschaft begleitet. Gewalt wird durch Emotionen vorbereitet, vorangetrieben und inszeniert und erweckt ihrerseits…
Der reformierte Theologe Peter Martyr Vermigli (1499-1562) war ein Moderator. Er suchte den Mittelweg zwischen theologischen Extremen. Dafür typisch waren seine Überlegungen zu den äußeren Zeichen…
James M. Scott examines a denarius minted in Rome in 55 bce which is visually fascinating but conceptually enigmatic. On its obverse, around the head of a female figure with turreted crown, appears…
The Protestant Reformation has long had the reputation as being a movement of 'the Book', led by reformers like John Calvin who were 'men of the Book'. The essays in this volume reveal many of the…
Among the predominantly Hebrew collection of the Dead Sea Scrolls are twenty-nine compositions penned in Aramaic. While such Aramaic writings were received at Qumran, these materials likely…
Over the past several centuries, John Owen's writings on scripture have captured the attention of numerous interpreters across a relatively diverse range of disciplines. His own distinctive…
This ambitious and engaging book sets itself the task of combining a wide range of approaches to cast new light on the form and function of several ancient Jewish letters in a variety of languages.…
Although termed 'the little Genesis', the Book of Jubilees is significantly engaged with Exodus. It reworks key Exodus narratives, develops modules of Exodus law, and highlights Exodus motifs. The…
Among the most prominent hallmarks of the late Prof. Hanan Eshel (1958-2010) were his generosity, passion, and integrative approach. The eighteen essays in this volume were selected by Prof. Eshel…
In his testimony on his survival in Auschwitz Primo Levi said 'our language lacks words to express this offense, the demolition of a man'. If language, if any language, lacks the words to express the…
The project 'Religious Education at Schools in Europe' (REL-EDU), which is divided up into six volumes (Central Europe, Western Europe, Northern Europe, Southern Europe, South-Eastern Europe, Eastern…
The uncial Hexateuch, Ms. Ambrosianus A 147 inf., produced at the beginning of the 5thcentury, shows an unusual attitude towards the biblical text on the part of those (people) who restored the codex…
In recent decades New Testament scholarship has developed an increasing interest in how the Gospel of John interacts with literary conventions of genre and form in the ancient Jewish and Greco-Roman…
The volume focuses on the various representations of the Beyond in later Antiquity, a period of intense interaction and competition between various religious traditions and ideals of education. The…
Stephen J. Hamilton attempts to create a 'portrait' of 'born-again' Christianity by providing a general introduction to the doctrine of regeneration, including its development in modernity, as well…
Les Devanciers d'Aquila by Dominique Barthélemy (1963) is an epoch-making work on the textual history of the Septuagint. On the basis of his analysis of the Nahal Hever Minor Prophets Scroll,…