eBooks vom Verlag: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht

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Fachliteratur im eBook Format - Verlag: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
35 E-Book vorhanden

Topography and Literature

E-Book Topography and Literature

Die Beiträge der gleichnamigen Tagung an der University of the South in Tennessee, USA, untersuchen die Beziehung zwischen der Auswirkung des Berliner Stadtraums auf künstlerische Darstellungen. In…

Spatial Practices

E-Book Spatial Practices

In recent decades, the conceptualization of space and place as social constructs, rather than static settings has received significant attention and has been re-evaluated with an emphasis on the…

Exploring Humanity

E-Book Exploring Humanity

The old humanistic model, aiming at universalism, ecumenism, and the globalization of various Western systems of values and beliefs, is no longer adequate - even if it pleads for an ever-wider…



James M. Scott examines a denarius minted in Rome in 55 bce which is visually fascinating but conceptually enigmatic. On its obverse, around the head of a female figure with turreted crown, appears…

Calvin and the Book

E-Book Calvin and the Book

The Protestant Reformation has long had the reputation as being a movement of 'the Book', led by reformers like John Calvin who were 'men of the Book'. The essays in this volume reveal many of the…

The Legacy of Barthélemy

E-Book The Legacy of Barthélemy

Les Devanciers d'Aquila by Dominique Barthélemy (1963) is an epoch-making work on the textual history of the Septuagint. On the basis of his analysis of the Nahal Hever Minor Prophets Scroll,…