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Translating Holocaust Literature

VerlagVandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Seitenanzahl156 Seiten
Preis37,99 EUR
In his testimony on his survival in Auschwitz Primo Levi said 'our language lacks words to express this offense, the demolition of a man'. If language, if any language, lacks the words to express the experience of the concentration camps, how does one write the unspeakable? How can it then be translated? The limits of representation and translation seem to be closely linked when it comes to writing about the Holocaust - whether as fiction, memoir, testimony - a phenomenon the current study examines. While there is a spate of literature about the impossibility to represent the Holocaust , not much has been written on the links between translation in its specific linguistic sense, translation studies, and the Holocaust, a niche this volume aims to fill.

Prof. Peter Arnds is the Director of Comparative Literature and Literary Translation at Trinity College Dublin.

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Title Page3
Table of Contents5
Alan Turnbull: The Dresden Archive Project. A contemporary artwork13
Dresden obliterated: Destroyed works and documentary artworks16
Making etchings & collages18
Conclusion: The City Within19
Works Cited21
Tara Bergin: Translating the Passion of Ravensbrück: Ted Hughes and János Pilinszky23
Works Cited30
Primary Texts31
Secondary Texts31
Alana Fletcher: Transforming Subjectivity: Se questo è un uomo in Translation and Adaptation33
Works Cited43
Bettina Stumm: Collaborative Translation: The Relational Dimensions of Translating Holocaust Trauma45
The Dialogic Structure of Translation in Collaborative Narration47
The Relational Dimensions of Translation in Narrative Collaboration53
Works Cited60
Gaëtan Pégny interviews François Rastier: Witnessing and Translating: Ulysses at Auschwitz63
Works Cited79
Rita Horváth: “The Magical Properties of Creative Sameness: The Role of Translation in Anne Michaelss Fugitive Pieces”81
Works Cited87
Stephanie Faye Munyard: Berman and Beyond: The Trial of the Foreign and the Translation of Holocaust Literature89
Translation and the Possibility of Narrating the Holocaust89
Part I: Berman's Model90
Qualitative impoverishment92
Destruction of Underlying Networks of Signification94
The destruction of expressions and idioms97
Part II: Beyond Berman's Model98
Re-transcription of Proper Names98
Paratextual Deformation102
Works Cited104
Primary Sources104
Secondary Sources105
Anna Nunan: Translating Monika Maron's Pawels Briefe as a Postmemorial Holocaust Text107
Works cited123
Rosa Marta Gómez Pato: Poetry of Memory and Trauma and their Translation125
Works Cited137
Bastian Reinert: Translating Memory. Acts of Testimony in Resnais, Cayrol, and Celan139
Works Cited151

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