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The Light of Grace: John Owen on the Authority of Scripture and Christian Faith

AutorAndrew Leslie
VerlagVandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Seitenanzahl301 Seiten
Preis79,99 EUR
Over the past several centuries, John Owen's writings on scripture have captured the attention of numerous interpreters across a relatively diverse range of disciplines. His own distinctive contribution to this doctrine was forged with a genuine fear for the on-going pre-eminence of scriptural authority in the English church firmly in view. In the face of various rival perspectives, Owen insists every Christian believer ought to be clear on the reason they believe scripture to be the word of God. Focussing on the treatise Reason of Faith (1677) in conversation with his wider theological corpus, Andrew M. Leslie studies Owen's approach to scriptural authority and Christian faith. He argues that Owen creatively drew upon an ecumenical dogmatic and metaphysical heritage to restate and refine the traditional Reformed position on scripture's divine authority, sensitive to developments in his own late seventeenth-century context. In particular, Leslie explores how Owen shares a growing concern to ground Christian faith in objective evidence, all-the-while ensuring that its ultimate foundation lies in the irresistible authority and truthfulness of God, mediated 'in and by' the inspired text of scripture. Leslie also draws out the broader significance Owen ascribes to scripture in shaping a believer's relationship with the Triune God, especially its vital role in their gradual transformation into the likeness or image of Christ.

Andrew M. Leslie, PhD, is Lecturer in Christian Doctrine at Moore Theological College in Sydney, Australia.

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Title Page4
Table of Contents6
1. Introduction14
1.1 Prologue14
1.2 The evolving scripture “principle”: some issues20
1.3 Scope and shape of this study32
2. Reason of Faith (1677) and the problem of certainty38
2.1 Introduction38
2.2 “Certainty of adherence” and “certainty of evidence”39
2.3 “Infallible” versus “moral” certainty43
2.4 John Owen and certainty: Reason of Faith (1677)50
2.4.1 “Infallible faith” defined52
2.5 “Motives of Credibility” and the insufficiency of “Moral Certainty”57
2.6 Conclusion65
3. Implanted law and the light of nature68
3.1 Introduction68
3.2 “Natural light” and the exercise of reason70
3.2.1 Excursus: “Illumination” within the Christian cognitive tradition72
3.2.2 The “light of nature” and practical reasoning in seventeenth-century England78
3.3 Owen and the “law” and “light” of nature before the Fall81
3.3.1 The lex operationis81 The lex operationis and Adam's covenantal end82 The lex operationis and Adam's “light”84
3.3.2 Owen and the “light of nature”86
3.3.3 “Positive” commands92
3.3.4 Summary95
3.4 The “light of nature” after the Fall96
3.5 Conclusion103
4. The Habit of Grace106
4.1 Introduction106
4.2 “Supernatural illumination” and the light of grace107
4.2.1 The infused “habit of grace”108
4.2.2 Habitual grace, the Word of God and “special illumination”116
4.3 A new “spiritual sense”: habitual grace, the will, affections and the internal “testimony” of the Spirit127
4.4 Conclusion133
5. Scripture, evidence and the imago Dei136
5.1 Introduction136
5.2 Evidence and reason137
5.3 Evidence and faith146
5.3.1 Scripture's self-evidencing “light”150
5.3.2 Scripture's self-evidencing “power”155
5.4 A spiritual “intuition”158
5.5 The imago Dei and the authority of scripture161
5.6 Conclusion175
6. From Christ to scripture: the origin and inspiration of scripture182
6.1 Introduction182
6.2 Excursus: the problem of “inspiration” in the historiography of Early Modern Protestantism183
6.3 The origin of scripture191
6.4 The inspiration of scripture204
6.4.1 Prophecy205 Prophetic inspiration206 Divine concursus210
6.4.2 Scripture210
6.4.3 Summary and evaluation213
6.5 Conclusion217
7. From scripture to Christ: authority, perspicuity and the life of faith220
7.1 Introduction220
7.2 The perspicuity of scripture220
7.2.1 Illumination and the “unction” of the Spirit221
7.2.2 The “proper” object and motive of faith, love and obedience226
7.2.3 Spiritual unction and the church230
7.2.4 Summary235
7.3 The proper object of faith: a hermeneutical principle?236
7.4 The perspicuity of scripture and the use of “means”241
7.5 Conclusion247
8. Conclusion250
Appendix: Owen and the rudiments of cognition258
1. Primary sources266
2. Secondary sources271
Names Index294
Subject Index298

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