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The Legacy of Barthélemy

50 Years after Les Devanciers d'Aquila

VerlagVandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Seitenanzahl230 Seiten
Preis110,00 EUR
Les Devanciers d'Aquila by Dominique Barthélemy (1963) is an epoch-making work on the textual history of the Septuagint. On the basis of his analysis of the Nahal Hever Minor Prophets Scroll, Barthélemy developed his theory of an early Hebraizing revision (so-called kaige revision), designed to bring the traditional text of the Septuagint closer to the Hebrew text, and recognized examples of it in the B-text of books such as Joshua, Judges, and Samuel-Kings. The work of these early Hebraizing revisers resembled the later very literal translation by Aquila; hence the name of the book, 'the predecessors of Aquila'. Textual scholars of today continue in the footsteps of Barthélemy and work on the same questions that were raised in Devanciers: How extensive was the influence of the kaige revision and how can it be recognized? What is the nature of the Lucianic text: when does it represent the Old Greek and when does it give a stylistically revised text? What is the relationship between the kaige revision and Theodotion's revision of the Septuagint?The present volume mainly consists of papers presented at the 50th anniversary symposium of Les Devanciers d'Aquila that was held in connection with the SBL International Meeting in St Andrews, Scotland, in 2013. The papers focus on history of research, case studies on the text of Samuel-Kings (1-4 Kingdoms), and studies on the text-historical position of specific witnesses.

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The Legacy of Barthélemy4
Adrian Schenker O.P.15
What Were the Aims of the Palestinian Recensions, and What Did They Achieve? With Some Biographical Notes on Dominique Barthélemy15
1.?Les Devanciers d’Aquila in its Biographical Context15
2.?What was the Scope of the “Palestinian” Recensions?18
3.?The Dating of the Palestinian Recensions and its Implication for their Scope20
4.?Did the Palestinian Recensions Paradoxically Contribute to the Rejection of the Old Greek Bible among the Jews of Palestine?22
Philippe Hugo24
The Books of Kingdoms Fifty Years after the Devanciers d’Aquila. Development of the Kaige Theory within Barthélemy’s Works, and Some Implications for Present Research24
1.?The Old Greek, Kaige and the Antiochene Text in Kingdoms24
2.?Development of Barthélemy’s Theory27
3.?Barthélemy’s text-critical use of L31
3.1.?Confusions or corruptions32
3.2.?Assimilations to other passages33
3.3.?Contaminations by other text traditions35
3.4.?Editorial changes38
Anneli Aejmelaeus42
Does God Regret? A Theological Problem that Concerned the Kaige Revisers42
The Phenomenon and Its Motivation42
The Theological Problem44
A Problem for Translators and Revisers45
Kaige Revision in a Non-Kaige Section48
The Parallel in Numbers52
Theological Concerns of the two Parallel Passages53
Andrés Piquer Otero55
The Minuses of the B 509 Manuscript Group in 3–4 Kingdoms55
2.?Types of Omission per Section58
2.1.?Kaige Section ??58
2.1.2.?Minuses in Disagreement with MT59
2.2.?Old Greek Section ??61
2.2.1.?Minuses in Agreement with MT61
2.2.2.?Omissions in Disagreement with MT63
Pablo Torijano70
How Much Hexaplaric Material Entered into the Antiochene Textual Tradition?70
2.1.?Kaige Section81
2.2.?Non-kaige Section82
2.3.?Kaige Section109
Julio Trebolle121
Readings of the Old Latin (Beuron 91–95) Reflecting “Additions” of the Antiochene Text in 3–4 Kingdoms121
Tuukka Kauhanen147
Lucifer of Cagliari and the Kaige Revision147
1.?How to Recognize Kaige Readings147
2.?Lucifer’s Text of Kings149
3.?Possible Kaige Readings Supported by Lucifer151
4.?Kaige Readings Not Attested by Lucifer153
5.?Possible New Kaige Readings Found with the Aid of Lucifer159
6.?Quantitative or Syntactical Differences between B and Lucifer166
Anneli Aejmelaeus170
Kaige Readings in a Non-Kaige Section in 1 Samuel170
Lexical variants171
Changes in minor details of the text180
Raimund Wirth186
Dealing with Tenses in the Kaige Section of Samuel186
2.?The Historical Present in the Kaige Section of Samuel187
3.?The imperfect in the kaige section of Samuel191
4.?Where Does the Kaige Section Begin?195
Gerard J. Norton O.P.199
The Legacy of Les Devanciers d’Aquila for the Study of the Greek Psalter199
1.?1953–1963: Les Devanciers d’Aquila199
2.?1967: Bodmer XXIV—A Second Century Witness?205
3.?Can It Be Shown that Origen’s Text Is Dependent on the Text of Bodmer XXIV in Any Significant Way?207
4.?A Question of Methodology210
5.?An Epilogue:212
Index of Biblical Passages and Other Ancient Sources226

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