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Performances of Ancient Jewish Letters

From Elephantine to MMT

AutorMarvin Miller
VerlagVandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Seitenanzahl318 Seiten
Preis89,99 EUR
This ambitious and engaging book sets itself the task of combining a wide range of approaches to cast new light on the form and function of several ancient Jewish letters in a variety of languages. The focus of The Performance of Ancient Jewish Lettersis on applying a new emerging field of performance theory to texts and arguing that letters and other documents were not just read in silence, as is normal today, but were 'performed,' especially when they were addressed to a community. A distinctive feature of this book consists of being one of the first to apply the approach of performance criticism to ancient Jewish letters. Previous treatments of ancient letters have not given enough consideration to their oral context; however, this book prompts the reader to 'listen' sympathetically with the audience. The Performance focuses close attention on the ways in which the engagement of the audience during the performance of a text might be read from traces present in the text itself. This book invites the audience to hear a fresh reading of a family letter from Hermopolis, concerning ugly tunics and castor oil; festal letters, about issues surrounding the celebration of Passover, Purim and Hanukkah; a diaspora letter on how to live in a foreign land; and also an official letter concerning the building of the Jerusalem temple. These letters will help us understand a text from the Dead Sea Scrolls, namely, MMT. Marvin L. Miller argues for the centrality of performance in the life of Jews of the Second Temple period, an area of study that has been traditionally neglected. The Performanceadvances the fields of orality and epistolography and supplements other scholars' works in those fields.

Marvin Lloyd Miller, PhD, is Adjunct Professor at Summit Pacific College in Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada.

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Title Page4
Table of Contents6
List of Abbreviations10
Primary Literature10
Secondary Literature11
Chapter 1 Introduction18
1.1 Performance Criticism20
1.1.1 Different Approaches to Performance20
1.1.2 Towards a Definition of Performance Criticism26
1.2 Performance and Ethnopoetics28
1.3 Performance and Folklore30
1.4 New Directions35
Chapter 2 Going Behind the Scenes: History of Scholarship38
2.1 History of Scholarship of Ancient Letters39
2.1.1 Greek Letters39
2.1.2 Aramaic Letters42
2.1.3 Hebrew Letters46
2.2 What is a Letter?50
2.3 History of Scholarship of MMT54
2.4 Observations57
Chapter 3 Setting the Stage: Methods58
3.1 Contributions of Historical Critical Methods59
3.1.1 Form Criticism59
3.1.2 Redaction Criticism61
3.2 Contributions of Recent Insights into Texuality62
3.2.1 Semiotics62
3.2.2 Oral Processes66
3.3 Observations72
Chapter 4 Preparing for the Performances74
4.1 From Text to Performance75
4.1.1 How to Read a Letter76
4.1.2 Letter Carriers and Readers82
4.2 Performances and Audiences84
4.2.1 Embodiment of a Text for an Audience85
4.2.2 Interaction with the Audience87
4.2.3 Authority of the Performer91
4.2.4 Performance and Cultural Memory94
4.3 Performance in Second Temple Judaism96
4.3.1 Some Scholarly Proposals for Jewish Scribal Traditions97
4.3.2 Performances of Ancient Jewish Letters99
4.3.3 Qumran Scribal Tradition101
4.4 Observations103
Chapter 5 Performances of two Free Standing Letters from Egypt106
5.1 Form And Function Of Ancient Letters107
5.2 Hermopolis Family Letter110
5.2.1 Text111
5.2.2 Texture114
5.2.3 Context123
5.3 Passover Letter127
5.3.1 Text128
5.3.2 Texture130
5.3.3 Context138
5.4 Summarizing the Performances140
Chapter 6 Performances of two Embedded Jewish Letters142
6.1 Aramaic Letters in Ezra: An Overview143
6.2 An Embedded Aramaic Letter: Ezra 5146
6.2.1 Text146
6.2.2 Texture149
6.2.3 Context158
6.3 An Embedded Hebrew Letter: Jeremiah 29161
6.3.1 Text162
6.3.2 Texture166
6.3.3 Context182
6.4 Summarizing the Performances186
Chapter 7 Performances of two Greek Letters188
7.1 An Embedded Letter in Greek Esther189
7.1.1 Text190
7.1.2 Texture193
7.1.3 Context205
7.2 An Introductory Letter to 2 Maccabees207
7.2.1 Text207
7.2.2 Texture214
7.2.3 Context219
7.3 Summarizing the Performances220
Chapter 8 A Case Study of the Performances of MMT222
8.1 Text223
8.1.1 Scene 1: Calendrical Section224
8.1.2 Scene 2: Legal Section226
8.1.3 Scene 3: Exhortation Section242
8.1.4 Evaluation of the evidence gathered from the text247
8.2 Texture248
8.2.1 Oral Register248
8.2.2 Cultural Traditions251
8.3 Context255
8.3.1 Late Second Century BCE Performances256
8.3.2 Late First Century BCE. Performance259
8.3.3 A Performance Reflecting on an Earlier Tradition261
8.4 Bringing the Performances Together264
Chapter 9 Conclusions268
Ancient Literature304
Modern Authors310

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