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A Theological Journey into Narnia

An analysis of the message beneath the text of »The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe« by C.S. Lewis

AutorMarkus Mühling
VerlagVandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Seitenanzahl126 Seiten
Preis11,99 EUR
Markus Mühling takes the reader on an adventure through Narnia. He opens the door onto this fantasy world, in a manner that is accessible for and applicable to all readers, uncovering some key aspects of Christian theology and Western philosophy that lie beneath the surface of C.S. Lewis' well-known story. Mühling offers an explanation of the underlying message in »The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe«, providing answers to some fundamental questions that readers or film audiences may have. Travelling further into Narnia, Mühling compares different interpretations of Jesus' death on the cross. He links this with the implications that the Christian message has on everyday life. By presenting various models explaining Christian theology and western philosophical thought, this book guides the reader through the jungle that is different interpretations of life and death, sin and redemption, good and evil thus allowing the reader to form their own opinion.

Prof. Dr. Markus Mühling (*1969) promovierte 2000 zum Thema 'Gott ist Liebe. Studien zum Verständnis der Liebe als -Modell trinitarischen Redens von Gott' an der Universität Kiel. Seine Habilitation zum Thema 'Versöhnendes Handeln - Handeln in Versöhnung. Gottes Opfer an die Menschen' schloss er an der Universität Heidelberg 2005 ab. Von 2007-2011 war Mühling Heisenbergstipendiat der DFG, zwischen 2009 und 2010 Gastprofessor für Systematische Theologie an der Universität Aberdeen (UK). Seit 2011 ist er Professor für Systematische Theologie und Wissenschaftskulturdialog an der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg.

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Title Page4
Table of Contents6
Introduction: C.S. Lewis and the Chronicles of Narnia12
Lucy looks into a Wardrobe/What Lucy found there15
Sons of Adam and Daughters of Eve: Humanity as an Organism15
Sin as Ignorance16
Edmund and the Wardrobe18
What do we do when we do something?2
Or:What is an action?18
Different Types of Ethics19
Back to Edmund and the Children21
Turkish Delight22
Does Beauty equal Goodness? The Cause of Sin22
Eritis sicut deus: You will be as God23
Desire and Lust, Bondage and Exclusive Attention24
Broken-down Relationships and Lies as Consequences of Sin26
Jealousy and Sin27
Back on this Side of the Door28
Sin as a Disruption of Relationships and the Criteria of not Judging28
The Law of the Excluded Third29
How do we know what we know? A Digression into the Philosophy of Science30
Narnia’s Own Time33
The Existence of Conceivable Worlds34
Causality and Unavailability35
Into the Forest37
Sin’s Cosmic Dimension38
The Desire for Immediate Satisfaction of Needs as a Present-Day Sin39
Mistrust as a Sin40
Sin as Indecisiveness40
A Day with the Beavers42
The Theory of External “Emotional Control”43
An Intrinsic Knowledge of God in Our Inner Being44
Law and Gospel45
Christ’s Role in Creation46
What Happened after Dinner48
Messianic Prophecies48
In the Footsteps of the Trinity50
Co-operative and Obstinate Human Actions54
Fear of God and God’s Omnipotence55
Assurance and Safety57
The White Witch58
In the Witch’s House59
The Spell Begins to Break60
Salvation, Creation and Sustaining Life60
The Forerunner62
“Charismas” – Spiritual Gifts63
Aslan Approaches65
Shame as the Realisation of Sin65
Initial Regret66
A Part of that Power that wants Evil yet still manages to do Good67
Evil does not Celebrate68
Commitment to Truth in the Face of Threat68
Peter’s first Battle69
Christ is closer to us than we are to ourselves70
Deep Magic from the Dawn of Time72
Sin as Sloth73
The Positive Correlation of Evil to Goodness74
Rejection of the Naturalistic Fallacy75
The Deep Original Magic and the Double Commandment of Love as Law76
Can Love that demands Death be Love?76
The Triumph of the Witch78
Subjective and Objective Atonement79
Christians join in the Fight81
Is the Death of Christ what God wanted?83
Scorn,Mockery and the Reviling of the Cross84
The Foolishness of the Cross:My God,my God, why have you forsaken me?85
Evil’s Relative Independence87
Deeper Magic from the Dawn of Time88
Care for the Dead88
The Truth of the Resurrection89
The Gospel and the Deeper Magic91
What Happened to the Statues96
The Descent into Hell96
Man’s Co-Operation and the Ability to overcome Evil98
The Hunting of the White Stag99
The Effect of Healing: Justification and Sanctification99
Empowering Humans for their Role as Ruler102
The Interweaving of Sunday and Everyday Life103
Divine Intervention and Unpredictability104
Postscript: A Brief History of the Cross107
The Ancient Church’s Doctrine of Redemption108
The Medieval Model of Trade109
The Reformation Doctrine of Penal Satisfaction111
The Change in Doctrines of Atonement at the Start of Modern Times113
The Abandonment of Possible Solutions115
Possible Solutions through Combined Metaphors115

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