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Reading the Way to the Netherworld

Education and the Representations of the Beyond in Later Antiquity. EBook

VerlagVandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Seitenanzahl550 Seiten
Preis110,00 EUR
The volume focuses on the various representations of the Beyond in later Antiquity, a period of intense interaction and competition between various religious traditions and ideals of education. The concepts and images clustering around the Beyond form a crucial focal point for understanding the dynamics of religion and education in later Antiquity. Although Christianity gradually supersedes the pagan traditions, the literary representations of the Beyond derived from classical literature and transmitted through the texts read at school show a remarkable persistence: they influence Christian late antique writers and are still alive in medieval literature of the East and West. A specifically Christian Beyond develops only gradually, and coexists subsequently with pagan ideas, which in turn vary according to the respective literary and philosophical contexts. Thus, the various conceptualisations of the great existential unknown, serves here as a point of reference for mirroring the changes and continuities in Imperial and Late Antique religion, education, and culture, and opening up further perspectives into the Medieval world.

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Title Page4
Table of Contents6
Ilinca Tanaseanu-Döbler: Introduction12
Beyonds in Greek Literature and Philosophy44
Heinz-Günther Nesselrath: Skeletons, shades and feasting heroes. The manifold underworlds of Lucian of Samosata46
Katerina Oikonomopoulou: Journeying the Underworld of Lucian’s Cataplus62
Ken Dowden: The moon and eschatology: science, religion and symbolism76
Ilinca Tanaseanu-Döbler: Platon als Führer durchs Jenseits? Bemerkungen zu Proklos’ Exegese des Er-Mythos92
Calum A. Maciver: Netherworld Destinations in Quintus Smyrnaeus’ Posthomerica: Some (Homeric) Problems124
Marta Otlewska-Jung: Between Netherworld and Resurrection. Conceptions of Afterlife in the Dionysiaca of Nonnus139
Anna Lefteratou: Dionysus’ ‘catabasis’ to India: Christian Echoes in Nonnus’ Indiad165
Beyonds in Latin Literature190
Merryl Rebello: Letum non omnia finit. Propertius between this world and the next192
Ulrike Egelhaaf-Gaiser: Mit Mercur an Tainaros’ Schwelle: Liminale Kategorien in Statius’ Thebais (2,1–133)216
Stelios Panayotakis: Underworld Journeys in Apuleius’ Metamorphoses235
Konstantinos Stamatopoulos: Et adsurgit cadaver, et profatur adulescens. Ghost evocation, Necromancy, and the ‘Beyond’ in Apuleius’ Metamorphoses255
Gabriela Ryser: Dabitur coniunx: A Wedding in the Underworld of Claudian’s De raptu Proserpinae283
Petra Korte: Der Descensus ad inferos als Weg des Exegeten – Die Expositio Virgilianae continentiae des Fulgentius302
Chiara O. Tommasi Moreschini: Through Others’ Eyes: Reconstructing the Celtic Otherworld from Classical and Late Antique Literary Sources328
Beyonds in Christian Theological Texts354
Marvin Döbler: Ein christlicher Hades im Kontext religiöser Bildung. Religionswissenschaftliche Bemerkungen zum „reichen Mann und dem armen Lazarus“ (Lk 16, 19–31)356
Andrea Villani: Von den inferi bis zur clavis paradisi. Jenseitsbilder bei Tertullian384
Ilaria Ramelli: The Beyond as an Educative Process in View of the Restoration. Christian Apokatastasis from Alexandria (and Edessa) to Antioch401
Dmitrij F. Bumazhnov: „Gott liebt nicht die Person, sondern die Natur des Menschen“. Der hl. Isaak von Ninive über die Liebe Gottes zur menschlichen Natur im Kontext seiner Lehre von der allgemeinen Erlösung: Einfluss Maximus des Bekenners oder Entwicklung eigener Ideen?427
Christoph Auffarth: Gregors des Großen Dialogi – Rezeption antiker Jenseitsvisionen und Präfiguration der Visionen des Mittelalters446
Beyonds in Rabbinic Judaism476
Ron Naiweld: Extra Israel nulla salus: The Function of the World to Come in Ancient Rabbinic Discourse478
Elisabetta Abate: Sabbath in the Netherworld (Genesis Rabba 11:5)490
Index locorum510
Index nominum537
Index rerum544

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