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Introduction direct tax play a vital tool for revenue collection in Ghana

AutorDr. David Ackah, Makafui R. Agboyi
VerlagGRIN Verlag
Seitenanzahl16 Seiten
Kopierschutzkein Kopierschutz/DRM
Preis15,99 EUR
Wissenschaftlicher Aufsatz aus dem Jahr 2014 im Fachbereich VWL - Geldtheorie, Geldpolitik, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: The introduction of direct tax has been a vital tool for revenue collection in Ghana. This study reveals that, revenue acquired from this type of tax is considered very crucial in the development of the country, hence a major source of revenue to the government. Direct tax was introduced in Ghana to subject the assessable income of income earners to tax, but unfortunately in Ghana, the collection of tax is confronted with numerous problems and thus tax evasion, tax avoidance, improper books of account, non-compliance of tax laws and inadequate logistics. This research therefore aims at evaluating the effectiveness of direct tax administration in the informal sector in Ghana. Questionnaires were administered to five (5) staff members of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and twenty-five (25) to the traders of the Abossey Okai environs. A simple sampling technique was used to aid in the selection of respondents. Responses from the IRS staff and the traders of the Abossey Okai environs were tabulated and analyzed. The study finds out that the traders in Abossey Okai are ignorant about what direct tax is about. However one major recommendation is for IRS to make it their priority to embark on educational programs for the traders in the Abossey Okai environs in order to enhance the effectiveness of direct tax administration in the informal sector in Ghana.

David Ackah (PhD) is an experienced and innovative project management professional with sound academic and professional background with excellent working knowledge in projects management method based on project management parameters and donors' rules; propose composition and take part in the bid evaluation panel(s). He holds Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Community & Economic Development, and Master of Science (MSc) in Business & Economics from United State of America, Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Accounting from the University College of Management Studies, Standard Diploma from the Managing & Marketing Sales Association (MAMSA UK), and Single Subject Diploma from the Institute of Commercial Management (ICM UK). He also holds Professional Doctorate and Postgraduate Diploma in Project Management from the Institute of Project Management Professionals Ghana, a Professional Diploma in Project Management from the International Business Management Institute (IBMI) at New York (USA), Professional Diploma in Project Management from the Alison Institute with Certificate No. AC-1266-11259553. In 2019, he was awarded a Certified Professorship (C.Prof) from the International Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (QAHE) in Hong Kong. In Ghana today, the landscape is littered with failed and abandoned projects, in this regards, he has taken the mantle to take up another PhD in Project Development Planning from the Central University of Nicaragua focusing on investigating into the causes and effects of failure and abandoned projects on the Ghanaian economy. David Ackah (PhD) brings to your organization real-world experience in developing successful project plans, communicating expectations clearly, and encouraging team enthusiasm, even in the late stages of the project cycle.

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