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Lernzielkontrollen Englisch

Tests in zwei Differenzierungsstufen (5. bis 10. Klasse)

AutorClaudine Steyer
VerlagPersen Verlag in der AAP Lehrerfachverlage GmbH
Seitenanzahl136 Seiten
Kopierschutzkein Kopierschutz/DRM
Preis22,99 EUR
So überprüfen Sie einfach und effektiv die Leistungsstände Ihrer Schüler im Fach Englisch!
Wie fit sind meine Schüler wirklich in Englisch? Konnten sie sich das Vokabular rund um 'Jobs and Career' aneignen? Wissen sie, wie man if-clauses bildet? Oder wie man einen Brief auf Englisch schreibt?

Mithilfe dieser Lernzielkontrollen können Sie sich einen genauen Überblick über den Leistungsstand Ihrer Klasse verschaffen und herausfinden, wo noch Nachholbedarf besteht. Die Tests für die Klassen 5-10 berücksichtigen die wichtigen Themen des Lehrplans und liegen jeweils in zwei Differenzierungsstufen vor. Die Aufgaben der Tests eignen sich zudem zum Üben und Wiederholen oder zur Vorbereitung auf Klassen- und Abschlussarbeiten.

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Klasse 58
1. My friends and me in the classroomand at school (B)8
A Vocabulary8
B Language Skills: Introduce yourselfand others9
C Grammar: Personal Pronouns10
D Text Production: Introduce yourself10
2. My family, my pets, our house and the time (A)11
A Vocabulary11
B Grammar: “have got”/time/a – an/possessive pronouns12
C Text Production: My favourite pet or animal13
D Reading Comprehension:Sarah and her family13
3. Free-time activities and hobbies (B)14
A Vocabulary14
B Text Production: My favourite sport/hobby/activity14
C Grammar: “can/cannot” andsentence structure, possessive pronouns15
D Language Skills: What you can doin your free-time16
4. At school (A)17
A Vocabulary17
B Grammar: Present Simple +/-/?, Sentence structurewith signals, Imperative17
C Language Skills: My time-table19
D Reading Comprehension:Sam’s and Tom’s week20
E Text Production: What about your day?20
5. On holiday (A)21
A Vocabulary21
B Grammar: Present Progressive +/-/?, Sentencestructure21
C Language Skills: Where can we go?22
D Reading Comprehension: On holiday23
Klasse 624
1. Food and Drinks (B)24
A Vocabulary24
B Grammar: some-any/Present Simple25
C Language Skills: What English peopleusually eat26
D Reading Comprehension:A recipe for Shepherd’s Pie27
2. Going Shopping/Pocket Money (B)28
A Vocabulary28
B Grammar: Comparing adjectives/Present Progressive29
C Text Production: My favourite clothes30
D Language Skills: At the shops31
3. Last holidays (A)32
A Vocabulary32
B Grammar: Past Simple/irreg. Verbs/mustn’t/needn’t33
C Reading Comprehension:A blog on the internet34
D Text Production: A postcardfrom Brighton35
4. Around town (A)36
A Vocabulary36
B Grammar: Present Perfect37
C Language Skills: To the cinema, please?38
D Reading Comprehension: Can you find it?39
E Text Production: Telling the way39
5. Season, Weather and the Future (A)40
A Vocabulary40
B Grammar: if-clause I/will-future41
C Text Production: The weather forecastfor the weekend42
D Reading Comprehension:Tomorrow’s weather43
Klasse 744
1. Around the UK (A)44
A Vocabulary44
B Grammar: Past Simple/Past Progressive/Present Perfect/Past Perfect44
C Language Skills: At the touristinformation in Edinburgh45
D Reading Comprehension:Around Scotland46
2. Around the UK (B)48
A Vocabulary48
B Grammar: Modals can/could/Where is…?/Is/are there…?/What about…?49
C Language Skills: At the touristinformation in Edinburgh50
D Reading Comprehension:Around Edinburgh51
3. British Schools (B)52
A Vocabulary52
B Grammar: Present Simple/Past Simple53
C Reading Comprehension:School in England54
D Text Production: My school55
4. Sports, Sports, Sports (A)56
A Vocabulary56
B Grammar: Present Progressive andgoing-to-future/questions tags57
C Language Skills: Plans for the weekend58
D Reading Comprehension: A sports report59
E Text Production: Your favourite sport60
Klasse 861
1. Around the USA (A)61
A Vocabulary61
B Grammar: Passive and Conditional II61
C Language Skills: Becoming a Big Bend Junior Ranger64
D Reading Comprehension:At Big-Bend-National Park65
2. Jobs and Career (B)67
A Vocabulary67
B Grammar: would like/because…/Past Simple routines68
C Language Skills: A job ad69
D Reading Comprehension:Finding the right job/An interview70
E Text Production: My work experience71
3. American school life (B)72
A Vocabulary72
B Grammar: Conditional I/ing-formas subject and object73
C Language Skills: Camp Apache74
D Reading Comprehension:A day at summer camp75
E Text Production: A letter froman exchange student76
4. Peer Pressure (A)77
A Vocabulary77
B Grammar: Reported Speech77
C Reading Comprehension:Dealing with peer pressure79
D Text Production: The Agony Aunt80
Klasse 981
1. Australia (B)81
A Vocabulary81
B Grammar: Present Perfect, Conditional II81
C Language Skills: Alice Springs – of the air83
D Reading Comprehension:Aboriginal peoples – Native Australians84
2. Jobs and Career (A)86
A Vocabulary86
B Grammar: Relative clauses and modal verbs87
C Language Skills: A job advert88
D Reading Comprehension: Dos and don’tsin an English job interview90
E Text Production: A letter of application91
3. Big City life (B)92
A Vocabulary92
B Grammar: Adjectives and adverbs/going to future93
C Language Skills: At a New York deli94
D Reading Comprehension: The Big Apple96
4. The world around us (A)98
A Vocabulary98
B Grammar: Passive and participleconstructions99
C Reading Comprehension: Child soldiers100
D Text Production: Writing a letter102
Klasse 10103
1. Australia (A)103
A Vocabulary103
B Grammar: Past Perfect, Past Simpleand Tense Revision104
C Language Skills: Flying doctors105
D Reading Comprehension: Aboriginalpeople – Native Australians107
2. Generations (A)109
A Vocabulary109
B Grammar: Gerund/Infinitive with/without to110
C Reading Comprehension: Advice to theyounger generation111
D Text Production: A letter to your parentsin 20 years113
3. The USA: Political System (A)114
A Vocabulary114
B Grammar: if-clauses I-III115
C Reading Comprehension: Politicsand History of the USA: an overview116

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