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My Life in the Milonga

One Women's Journey Into Argentine Tango

AutorSusan Ring
Seitenanzahl278 Seiten
Kopierschutzkein Kopierschutz
Preis10,70 EUR
My Life in the Milonga: is a true story of passion, self-discovery and human connection What awaits you in the next chapter of your life? Is there a sense something is missing? Passion? Adventure? A sense of direction? I spent the first twenty of years of my life with a narcissistic mother and the next twenty with a narcissistic husband. Life in the Milonga is how I discovered a part of myself and a sense of self-esteem that had been missing for a long time. Something, I think many of us have missed or even forgotten about in this age of technology, the ability to connect on a conscious human level. I was unaware these things were missing, or that they were of any particular importance to me. Until I discovered the world of Argentine tango. This is my story into the subculture of Argentine Tango. It was a journey of self-discovery that brought joy and passion back into my life. My nights in the milongas of Buenos Aires were filled with passion, humor and playful flirting. Honest tango is danced with an open heart. Learning to trust and share of piece of myself with the men I dance with, is an ongoing journey. Technically tango is a difficult dance to learn and it is even harder to learn if you want to dance it well. I have enjoyed that challenge. I know that my dancing will improve with time and practice. But it's this road of self-discovery that tango requires, that I look forward to the most. I hope it will never end. The world of tango is so different from anything I have experienced in my past. It has allowed me to live my childhood dream of traveling and becoming more involved with other cultures around the world. It has allowed me to become me. I feel at home with the people in the tango world. There has not been a night since I started dancing tango, when tango has not reminded me of the importance of living life in the present and of the desire for human connection in all of us. Human connection is the essence of tango.

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