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Polly: An Opera

Die Opern der Welt

AutorJohn Christopher Pepusch, John Gay
VerlagJazzybee Verlag
Seitenanzahl136 Seiten
Preis2,49 EUR
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Poet. Player.


POET. A Sequel to a Play is like more last words. 'Tis a kind of absurdity; and really, Sir, you have prevail'd upon me to pursue this subject against my judgment.

1ST PLAYER. Be the success as it will, you are sure of what you have contracted for; and upon the inducement of gain no body can blame you for undertaking it.

POET. I know, I must have been look'd upon as whimsical, and particular if I had scrupled to have risqu'd my reputation for my profit; for why should I be more squeamish than my betters? and so, Sir, contrary to my opinion I bring Polly once again upon the Stage.

1ST PLAYER. Consider, Sir, you have prepossession on your side.

POET. But then the pleasure of novelty is lost; and in a thing of this kind I am afraid I shall hardly be pardon'd for imitating my-self, for sure pieces of this sort are not to be followed as precedents. My dependance, like a tricking bookseller's, is, that the kind reception the first part met with will carry off the second be it what it will.

1ST PLAYER. You should not disparage your own works; you will have criticks enough who will be glad to do that for you: and let me tell you, Sir, after the success you have had, you must expect envy.

POET. Since I have had more applause than I can deserve, I must, with other authors, be content, if criticks allow me less. I should be an arrant courtier or an arrant beggar indeed, if as soon as I have receiv'd one undeserved favour I should lay claim to another; I don't flatter my-self with the like success.

1ST. PLAYER. I hope, Sir, in the catastrophe you have not run into the absurdity of your last Piece.

POET. I know that I have been unjustly accus'd of having given up my moral for a joke, like a fine gentleman in conversation; but whatever be the event now, I will not so much as seem to give up my moral.

1ST PLAYER. Really, Sir, an author should comply with the customs and taste of the town. – I am indeed afraid too that your Satyr here and there is too free. A man should be cautious how he mentions any vice whatsoever before good company, lest somebody present should apply it to himself.

POET. The Stage, Sir, hath the privilege of the pulpit to attack vice however dignified or distinguish'd, and preachers and poets should not be too well bred upon these occasions: Nobody can overdo it when he attacks the vice and not the person.

1ST PLAYER. But how can you hinder malicious applications?

POET. Let those answer for 'em who make 'em. I aim at no particular persons; my strokes are at vice in general: but if any men particularly vicious are hurt, I make no apology, but leave them to the cure of their flatterers. If an author write in character, the lower people reflect on the follies and vices of the rich and great, and an Indian judges and talks of Europeans by those he hath seen and convers'd with, etc. And I will venture to own that I wish every man of power or riches were really and apparently virtuous, which would soon amend and reform the common people who act by imitation.

1ST PLAYER. But a little indulgence and partiality to the vices of your own country without doubt would be look'd upon as more discreet. Though your Satyr, Sir, is on vices in general, it must and will give offence; every vicious man thinks you particular, for conscience will make self-application. And why will you make your-self so many enemies? I say no more upon this head. As to us I hope you are satisfy'd we have done all we could for you; for you will now have the advantage of all our best singers.


Enter 2d Player.


2D PLAYER. 'Tis impossible to perform the Opera to night, all the fine singers within are out of humour with their parts. The Tenor, says he was never offer'd such an indignity, and in a rage flung his clean lambskin gloves into the fire; he swears that in his whole life he never did sing, would sing, or could sing but in true kid.

1ST PLAYER. Musick might tame and civilize wild beasts, but 'tis evident it never yet could tame and civilize musicians.


Enter 3d Player.


3D PLAYER. Sir, Signora Crotchetta says she finds her character so low that she had rather dye than sing it.

1ST PLAYER. Tell her by her contract I can make her sing it.


Enter Signora Crotchetta.


CROTCHETTA. Barbarous Tramontane! Where are all the lovers of Virtù? Will they not all rise in arms in my defence? make me sing it! good Gods! should I tamely submit to such usage I should debase my-self through all Europe.

1ST PLAYER. In the Opera nine or ten years ago, I remember, Madam, your appearance in a character little better than a fish.

CROTCHETTA. A fish! monstrous! Let me inform you, Sir, that a Mermaid or Syren is not many removes from a sea-Goddess; or I had never submitted to be that fish which you are pleas'd to call me by way of reproach. I have a cold, Sir; I am sick. I don't see, why I may not be allowed the privilege of sickness now and then as well as others. If a singer may not be indulg'd in her humours, I am sure she will soon become of no consequence with the town. And so, Sir, I have a cold; I am hoarse. I hope now you are satisfied.


Exit Crotchetta in a fury.


Enter 4th Player.


4TH PLAYER. Sir, the base voice insists upon pearl- colour'd stockings and red-heel'd shoes.

1ST PLAYER. There is no governing caprice. But how shall we make our excuses to the house?

4TH PLAYER. Since the town was last year so good as to encourage an Opera without singers; the favour I was then shown obliges me to offer my-self once more, rather than the audience should be dismiss'd. All the other Comedians upon this emergency are willing to do their best, and hope for your favour and indulgence.

1ST PLAYER. Ladies and Gentlemen, as we wish to do every thing for your diversion, and that singers only will come when they will come, we beg you to excuse this unforeseen accident, and to accept the proposal of the Comedians, who relye wholly on your courtesie and protection.





The Ouverture.

Act I

Scene I.


Scene Ducat's House.


Ducat. Trapes.


TRAPES. Though you were born and bred and live in the Indies, as you are a subject of Britain you shou'd live up to our customs. Prodigality there, is a fashion that is among all ranks of people. Why, our very younger brothers push themselves into the polite world by squandering more than they are worth. You are wealthy, very wealthy, Mr. Ducat; and I grant you the more you have, the taste of getting more should grow stronger upon you. 'Tis just so with us. But then the richest of our Lords and Gentlemen, who live elegantly, always run out. 'Tis genteel to be in debt. Your luxury should distinguish you from the vulgar. You cannot be too expensive in your pleasures.


Air I. The disappointed Widow.


The manners of the Great affect;

Stint not your pleasure:

If conscience had their genius checkt,

How got they treasure?

The more in debt, run in debt the more,

Careless who is undone;

Morals and honesty leave to the poor,

As they do at London.

DUCAT. I never thought to have heard thrift laid to my charge. There is not a man, though I say it, in all the Indies who lives more plentifully than my self; nor, who enjoys the necessaries of life in so handsome a manner.

TRAPES. There it is now. Who ever heard a man of fortune in England talk of the necessaries of life? If the necessaries of life would have satisfied such a poor body as me, to be sure I had never come to mend my fortune to the Plantations. Whether we can afford it or no, we must have superfluities. We never stint our expence to our own fortunes, but are miserable if we do not live up to the profuseness of our neighbours. If we could content our selves with the necessaries of Life, no man alive ever need be dishonest. As to woman now; why, look ye, Mr. Ducat, a man hath what we may call every thing that is necessary in a wife.

DUCAT. Ay, and more!

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