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The Proteomics Protocols Handbook

VerlagHumana Press
Seitenanzahl969 Seiten
Preis309,23 EUR

Hands-on researchers describe in step-by-step detail 73 proven laboratory methods and bioinformatics tools essential for analysis of the proteome. These cutting-edge techniques address such important tasks as sample preparation, 2D-PAGE, gel staining, mass spectrometry, and post-translational modification. There are also readily reproducible methods for protein expression profiling, identifying protein-protein interactions, and protein chip technology, as well as a range of newly developed methodologies for determining the structure and function of a protein. The bioinformatics tools include those for analyzing 2D-GEL patterns, protein modeling, and protein identification. All laboratory-based protocols follow the successful Methods in Molecular Biology™ series format, each offering step-by-step laboratory instructions, an introduction outlining the principle behind the technique, lists of the necessary equipment and reagents, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.

Written for: Biochemists, Proteomic scientists, protein researchers, molecular biologists

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Extraction and Solubilization of Proteins for Proteomic Studies17
Preparation of Bacterial Samples for 2-D PAGE35
Preparation of Yeast Samples for 2-D PAGE43
Preparation of Mammalian Tissue Samples for Two- Dimensional Electrophoresis47
Differential Detergent Fractionation of Eukaryotic Cells52
Serum or Plasma Sample Preparation for Two- Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis64
Preparation of Plant Protein Samples for 2-D PAGE70
Laser-Assisted Microdissection in Proteomic Analyses73
Purification of Cellular and Organelle Populations by Fluorescence- Activated Cell Sorting for Proteome Analysis81
Purification of Nucleoli From Lymphoma Cells and Solubilization of Nucleolar Proteins for 2- DE Separation93
Prefractionation of Complex Protein Mixture for 2-D PAGE Using Reversed- Phase Liquid Chromatography100
Fractionation of Complex Proteomes by Microscale Solution Isoelectrofocusing Using ZOOM Ù IEF Fractionators to Improve Protein Profiling109
Large-Format 2-D Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis130
Analysis of Membrane Proteins by Two-Dimensional Gels143
2-D PAGE of High-Molecular-Mass Proteins155
Using Ultra-Zoom Gels for High-Resolution Two- Dimensional Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis160
NEpHGE and pI Strip Proteomic 2-D Gel Electrophoretic Mapping of Lipid- Rich Membranes175
Silver Staining of 2-D Gels184
Zn2+ Reverse Staining Technique192
Multiplexed Proteomics Technology for the Fluorescence Detection of Phosphorylation and Protein Expression Levels Using Pro-Q® Diamond and SYPRO® Ruby Dyes208
Sensitive Quantitative Fluorescence Detection of Proteins in Gels Using SYPRO® Ruby Protein Gel Stain216
Ruby Protein Gel Stain216
Rapid, Sensitive Detection of Proteins in Minigels With Fluorescent Dyes222
Differential In-Gel Electrophoresis in a High-Throughput Environment230
Statistical Analysis of 2-D Gel Patterns245
2-DE Databases on the World Wide Web265
Computer Analysis of 2-D Images273
Comparing 2-D Electrophoretic Gels Across Internet Databases284
Sample Cleanup by Solid-Phase Extraction/Pipet-Tip Chromatography311
Protein Identification by In-Gel Digestion and Mass Spectrometric Analysis314
Peptide Sequences of 2-D Gel-Separated Protein Spots by Nanoelectrospray Tandem Mass Spectrometry318
Identification of Proteins by MALDI-TOF MS322
Sequencing of Tryptic Peptides Using Chemically Assisted Fragmentation and MALDI- PSD328
The In Situ Characterization of Membrane-Immobilized 2-D PAGE-Separated Proteins Using Ink-Jet Technology344
Protein Identification by Peptide Mass Fingerprinting358
Analysis of the Proteomes in Human Tissues by In-Gel Isoelectric Focusing and Mass Spectrometry369
Liquid Chromatography Coupled to MS for Proteome Analysis377
Quantitative Analysis of Proteomes and Subproteomes by Isotope- Coded Affinity Tag and Solid- Phase Glycoprotein Capture386
Amino Acid-Coded Mass Tagging for Quantitative Profiling of Differentially Expressed Proteins and Modifications in Cells394
Mass-Coded Abundance Tagging for Protein Identification and Relative Abundance Determination in Proteomic Experiments407
Virtual 2-D Gel Electrophoresis by MALDI Mass Spectrometry416
Identification of Posttranslational Modification by Mass Spectrometry429
Approaches to the O-Glycoproteome436
Identification of Protein Phosphorylation Sites by Mass Spectrometry455
Quantitative Analysis of Protein Phosphorylation Status and Protein Kinase Activity on Microarrays Using Pro- Q Ù Diamond Dye Technology463
New Challenges and Strategies for Multiple Sequence Alignment in the Proteomics Era470
The Clustal Series of Programs for Multiple Sequence Alignment488
FASTA Servers for Sequence Similarity Search498
Protein Sequence Analysis and Domain Identification521
Mammalian Genes and Evolutionary Genomics536
Computational Identification of Related Proteins547
Protein Identification and Analysis Tools on the ExPASy Server563
Protein Sequence Databases600
Characterization of Proteins610
Computational Prediction of ProteinÒProtein Interactions619
The Yeast Two-Hybrid System for Detecting Interacting Proteins643
Antibody-Affinity Purification to Detect Interacting Proteins673
Biomolecular Interaction Analysis Coupled With Mass Spectrometry to Detect Interacting Proteins679
Assessment of AntibodyÒAntigen Interaction Using SELDI Technology689
Protein and Peptide Microarray-Based Assay Technology698
Production of Protein Microarrays Using Robotic Pin Printing Technologies711
PCR-Directed Protein In Situ Arrays722
Site-Specific Immobilization of Proteins in a Microarray730
A Guide to Protein Interaction Databases739
Deriving Function From Structure786
Comparative Protein Structure Modeling815
Classification of Protein Sequences and Structures845
How to Use Protein 1-D Structure Predicted by PROFphd859
Classification of Protein Folds886
Protein Threading903
High-Throughput Crystallography for Structural Proteomics921
Automated High-Throughput Protein Crystallization936
NMR-Based Structure Determination of Proteins in Solution948

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