Unternehmenskauf in Krise und Insolvenz
Autor | Andreas Ziegenhagen, Stefan Denkhaus |
Verlag | RWS Verlag |
Erscheinungsjahr | 2016 |
Seitenanzahl | 330 Seiten |
ISBN | 9783814554341 |
Format | ePUB |
Kopierschutz | DRM |
Geräte | PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet |
Preis | 52,00 EUR |
Autor | Andreas Ziegenhagen, Stefan Denkhaus |
Verlag | RWS Verlag |
Erscheinungsjahr | 2016 |
Seitenanzahl | 330 Seiten |
ISBN | 9783814554341 |
Format | ePUB |
Kopierschutz | DRM |
Geräte | PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet |
Preis | 52,00 EUR |
This work addresses the problems that the insolvency administrator encounters in cases of commercial legal funding and state funded legal aid. It aims to provide practical guidance to those…
This work addresses the problems that the insolvency administrator encounters in cases of commercial legal funding and state funded legal aid. It aims to provide practical guidance to those…
This conference volume is based on presentations held at the Hanns-Martin Schleyer-Stiftung Symposium in Kiel on the 8th and 9th of June 2007 on the topic of new issues in insolvency law. The…
This conference volume is based on presentations held at the Hanns-Martin Schleyer-Stiftung Symposium in Kiel on the 8th and 9th of June 2007 on the topic of new issues in insolvency law. The…
The volume at hand contains a special edition of the commentary by Wolfram Henckel on §§ 129-147 of the German Insolvency Act from Jaeger's extensive commentary on the Insolvency Act. It…
The volume at hand contains a special edition of the commentary by Wolfram Henckel on §§ 129-147 of the German Insolvency Act from Jaeger's extensive commentary on the Insolvency Act. It…
The success of the insolvency proceeding for the insolvency creditor and the attainment of the insolvency goals are decisively dependent on the aptitude and ability of the insolvency administrator…
The success of the insolvency proceeding for the insolvency creditor and the attainment of the insolvency goals are decisively dependent on the aptitude and ability of the insolvency administrator…
The success of the insolvency proceeding for the insolvency creditor and the attainment of the insolvency goals are decisively dependent on the aptitude and ability of the insolvency administrator…
The practical meaning of probate proceedings for insolvent estates and probate administration is enormous due to the fact that they can lead to the liability limitation of the heir. Despite this…
Altenheim ist die Fachzeitschrift für Träger, Heimleitungen und leitende Mitarbeiter/innen der teilstationären und stationären Altenhilfe. Hier erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ihre Einrichtung zu ...
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Auszüge aller europäischen Patentanmeldungen in sechs Teilausgaben. Bibliographie, Hauptanspruch, wichtigste Zeichnung. Dokumentation des Hauptanspruchs in der Amtssprache der jeweiligen Anmeldung. ...
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