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Werkbuch Paulus

Inspirationen und Provokationen für Gemeinde, Schule und Erwachsenenbildung

AutorBernd Vogel, Petra Roedenbeck-Wachsmann
VerlagKohlhammer Verlag
Seitenanzahl233 Seiten
Preis22,99 EUR
Paul was struck, wounded and enlightened when the Son of God revealed to him. He became a troublemaker, inspirer, provocateur. Does he inspire us today, between consumption and crisis, lust for life and fear? The authors invite this giant, this apostle of the Lord: to our tables, conversations, into the quiet room. They bring his texts into the game and open references, perspectives and suggestions, thinking spaces and scopes for practice. 'Laypeople' and 'professionals< find informed introductions to central theological topics, in particular to biblical hermeneutics and justification. 'Grace', 'truth', 'love' or dealing with God's commandment - what do they mean today? This book is a foundation for adult education courses, faith or lecture nights, as well as for teachers in secondary education and for self-study.

Petra Roedenbeck-Wachsmann is a lawyer in Hamburg; Bernd Vogel is a school and university pastor in Lüneburg.

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