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High Precision Camera Calibration

AutorTobias Hanning
VerlagVieweg+Teubner (GWV)
Seitenanzahl212 Seiten
Preis49,99 EUR
Tobias Hanning explains the classic pinhole camera model, its limitations, and alternatives.

Dr. Tobias Hanning is lecturer at the University of Passau und works as technical engineer in wheel alignment.

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Chapter 1 Introduction14
1.1 Motivation14
1.2 Outline15
1.3 Contribution17
Chapter 2 Modelling the camera mapping18
2.1 Geometric optics for computer vision18
2.1.1 The “thin lens” assumption and first order optics18
2.1.2 The circle of confusion21
2.1.3 Image acquisition22 The sensor array22 A simplified sensor model24 The sensor array as coordinate system25
2.2 The pinhole camera model26
Definition 2.2.126
Definition 2.2.2 (Pinhole camera)27
2.3 Third order optics and thick lenses28
Remark 2.3.1 (Chromatic aberrations)29
2.4 The pinhole camera model with distortion30
2.4.1 Definition30
Definition 2.4.1 (Distortion model)30
Remark 2.4.230
Definition 2.4.3 (Pinhole camera with distortion)30
2.4.2 Radial distortion31
Definition 2.4.4 (Radial distortion)32
2.4.3 Radius transformations32
2.4.4 Other distortion functions34 Misaligned thin lens34 Misaligned lens systems35
2.5 Inverting the camera mapping36
Definition 2.5.1 (undistortion, re-projection)36
Remark 2.5.236
2.6 The pinhole camera model in homogeneous co-ordinates38
Remark 2.6.138
Remark 2.6.239
Lemma 2.6.339
Chapter 3 Error functions for camera calibration and 3D reconstruction40
3.1 Introduction40
3.2 Projective and re-projective error40
Definition 3.2.1 (Projective Error)41
Definition 3.2.2 (Re-projective Error)41
3.3 Euclidean error42
Definition 3.3.1 (Euclidean error)42
Definition 3.3.2 (Normalized Euclidean error)42
Remark 3.3.343
Remark 3.3.4 (In front of and behind the camera)44
3.4 Error functions for camera calibration and 3D-reconstruction47
3.4.1 Calibration error functions47
Remark 3.4.1 (Root mean square error)48
Remark 3.4.2 (Existence of an optimal solution)48
Remark 3.4.3 (Complete Calibration)50
3.4.2 Reconstruction error functions50
Remark 3.4.450
3.5 Non-linear optimization51
Chapter 4 Initial values for camera calibration problems53
4.1 Introduction53
4.2 The two stage method of Tsai55
4.3 An initial image transformation by direct linear transformation60
Remark 4.3.1 (negative values for62
Remark 4.3.262
4.4 An initial image transformation from homogra-phies63
4.4.1 Introduction63
4.4.2 Two necessary conditions for planar targets63
Remark 4.4.164
4.4.3 Zhang’s initial value65
Remark 4.4.2 (Minimal number of observations)66
4.4.4 An initial image transformation with known center and zero skew67
Remark 4.4.3 (67
4.4.5 An initial image transformation with known aspect ratio and no skew68
4.4.6 An initial image transformation with known aspect ratio and unknown skew69
Remark 4.4.470
4.4.7 An initial image transformation with no skew71 A straight forward constraint71 A solution by a linear least squares problem with Cholesky decom-position72
4.4.8 Experimental results73 Overview73 Simulations74
4.5 An initial value for the extrinsic camera param-eters77
4.5.1 Introduction and problem statement77
4.5.2 Standard pose estimation77
4.5.3 An algebraic re-projective approach for regular grids78
4.5.4 An optimal solution w.r.t. Euclidean error for 1D targets83
4.6 An initial solution for the distortion85
4.6.1 Introduction85
Remark 4.6.1 (Initial distortion for the re-projective error)85
4.6.2 Zhang’s initial solution for the radial distortion85
4.6.3 An optimal initial solution for all distortion parameters87
Remark 4.6.289
4.7 Camera calibration with distortion as a semi-linear problem90
4.7.1 Parameter reduction by semi-linear optimization90
4.7.2 Experimental results91 Results for the normal setup92 Results for the webcam setup98 Results for the wide angle setup102
Chapter 5 Calibration of a stereo camera system104
5.1 Introduction104
5.2 Epipolar geometry104
Definition 5.2.1 (fundamental matrix, essential matrix)105
5.3 Epipolar Curves108
Definition 5.3.1 (Generalized Epipolar Constraint)108
Remark 5.3.2 (108
5.4 Stereo camera calibration with multiple targets110
5.5 Extrinsic stereo camera calibration with gener-alized epipolar constraints111
5.5.1 A two step algorithm111
i. Calculate the positions of the calibration plate with respect to the reference coordinate system111
ii. Calculate the position of the right camera113
5.5.2 A one step algorithm113
5.5.3 Application and results114
5.6 Extrinsic stereo camera calibration with respect to the projective error116
5.7 Extrinsic and intrinsic stereo camera calibration118
Chapter 6 Non-standard camera models120
6.1 Introduction120
6.2 Feature point extraction123
6.2.1 Standard feature point extraction123
6.2.2 Model based extraction of isolated squares126
6.2.3 Appropriability of the feature point extraction methods130 Appropriability with respect to the sensor model130 Appropriability with respect to the camera model130
6.3 The residual distortion132
6.3.1 The point spread function by first order optics132
6.3.2 Other sources of residual distortion139
6.3.3 Experimental results139
6.4 Spline correction147
6.4.1 Motivation and related work147
6.4.2 A depth-dependent distortion term147
Definition 6.4.1 (147
6.4.3 Depth-dependent distortion correction for the projective and re-projective error function148
6.4.4 The tensor spline space148
Definition 6.4.2 (Tensor product)149
Definition 6.4.3 (B-spline base)149
Definition 6.4.4 (150
Definition 6.4.5 (150
6.4.5 Tensor splines for the re-projective depth-dependent dis-tortion150
6.4.6 Spline correction for the Euclidean error151
6.4.7 The viewing ray for spline corrected cameras152
6.4.8 Spline correction for stereo reconstruction152
6.4.9 Disadvantages of the spline correction153
6.5 A two-plane distortion model157
6.5.1 Motivation and related work157
6.5.2 The plane158
Definition 6.5.1158
6.5.3 Distortion mappings in159
Definition 6.5.2 (Distortion model w.r.t. the two-plane distortion)160
6.5.4 The re-projection w.r.t. the two-plane distortion160
Definition 6.5.3 (160
Remark 6.5.4 (One-plane distortion is a subset of the two-plane distortion)161
6.5.5 Error functions for the two-plane distortion model161 The projective error162 The Euclidean error162
Definition 6.5.5 (Euclidean error)162 The projected Euclidean error163
Definition 6.5.6 (projected Euclidean error)163
Remark 6.5.7 (A projective error for the two-plane distortion model)163 The normalized Euclidean error163
Definition 6.5.8 (normalized Euclidean error)164 Depth-dependence of the two-plane distortion model166
6.5.6 Calibration algorithm168
6.6 A generic multi-plane camera169
6.6.1 Introduction and related work169
6.6.2 From the image to a reference coordinate system169
6.6.3 Tensor spline approximation of the coordinate transfor-mation172
6.6.4 A calibration setup for the generic multi-plane camera172
6.7 Experimental results174
6.7.1 Setup174 Calibration setup for the standard camera model174 Calibration setup for the spline correction174 Calibration setup for the two-plane distortion model174
6.7.2 Results for spline corrected cameras175 Prototype reconstruction175 In-plane spline correction175 3d spline correction177 Stereo reconstruction184
6.7.3 Results for the two-plane distortion model186 Stereo reconstruction186 Point to point error186 Angles of reconstructed planes190 Other test series193
One-Plane).193 Planarity test200 Prototype reconstruction205
Chapter 7 Conclusions210

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