Artikel 146 Grundgesetz zwischen offener Staatlichkeit und Identitätsbewahrung.
Perspektiven des Schlussartikels des Grundgesetzes für die zukünftige europäische Integration.

Autor | Philipp Cramer |
Verlag | Duncker & Humblot GmbH |
Erscheinungsjahr | 2013 |
Reihe | Schriften zum Öffentlichen Recht 1257 |
Seitenanzahl | 318 Seiten |
ISBN | 9783428541553 |
Format | |
Kopierschutz | Wasserzeichen |
Geräte | PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet |
Preis | 79,90 EUR |
Philipp Cramer studied law at the Universities of Münster, Bielefeld and Helsinki. Additionally, he completed two years of specific foreign language training in Anglo-American law. Subsequent to his First Law Examination in 2009 he worked as a research assistant and Ph.D. student at the Institute for Public Law and Politics of the University of Münster (Prof. Dr. Fabian Wittreck). After obtaining his doctorate in 2012, Philipp completed the legal clerkship at the Higher Regional Court of Düsseldorf, including stages at the Permanent Representation of the Federal Republic of Germany to the European Union in Brussels, at the Düsseldorf office of Taylor Wessing, and at the German Consulate General in Los Angeles. After his bar examination in 2014, Philipp worked several years as an associate in the public law/regulatory team of Hengeler Mueller in Düsseldorf. Since the end of 2017 Philipp is a corporate counsel for a multinational specialty chemicals company in Essen.