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Transforming Organization Learning to Optimize Productivity

AutorJane Kabarau Karimi
VerlagGRIN Verlag
Seitenanzahl19 Seiten
Kopierschutzkein Kopierschutz/DRM
Preis14,99 EUR
Rezension / Literaturbericht aus dem Jahr 2014 im Fachbereich Führung und Personal - Sonstiges, , Veranstaltung: Curriculum and instruction, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: The survival of an organization in today's turbulent world depends on learning. Organizational learning helps the firms to retain and improve competitiveness, productivity and innovative abilities in ambivalent markets. Consequently, firms have heavily invested in learning resulting in the wide range of skills in their repertoire. However, the wide ranges of the skills have not been fully utilized by the organization. Such organizations are experiencing knowledge depreciation and learning redundant cycle, absorbing new information and new competencies with no fundamental shift. (Heldman, 2011) These organizations are characterized as rigid and bureaucratic with systems and structures; creating learning disabilities opposed to knowledge sharing, flexibility, learning culture and innovations. Nevertheless, organizations that benefit from learning are organized structurally and culturally to capture and share learning, promoting inquiry and dialog and collaboration and team learning is highly encouraged. Castanede & Rio (2007) also hints that absence of knowledge sharing amount to zero learning in the organization because organizational learning and knowledge sharing are inextricably linked. There is a need to invest in learning that brings results exemplified by a functional organization that captures knowledge and uses evidence base approach as opposed to the authority-based approach in addressing the issues arising in the organizations. The organizations need to adapt tactics that do not reward the status quo in addition to being neutral to the conflicting and competing interests of the few in favor of successful organizational learning. This article, therefore, seeks to highlights scattered and jumbled literature about the secrets lurking in functional companies and learning disabilities in dysfunctional organizations.

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