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Fachenglisch für Gesundheitsberufe

Physiotherapie, Ergotherapie, Logopädie

AutorSandra Schiller
Seitenanzahl238 Seiten
Preis22,99 EUR

Das Fachenglisch-Lehrbuch für die drei therapeutischen Berufsgruppen mit dem relevanten Wortschatz für Ihren Berufsalltag. Mit dem kompletten Fachvokabular zu typischen Krankheitsbildern der drei Bereiche und Fachdisziplinen, mit übergreifenden Informationen über die Gesundheitssysteme in den angelsächsischen Ländern und mögliche Arbeitssituationen. Die Ziele: einen vielseitigen Fachwortschatz erlernen und vertiefen. Sprachlich fit werden für die Kommunikation mit englischsprachigen Kollegen, Ärzten und Patienten. Mehr 'Durchblick' im Umgang mit englischsprachigen Fachtexten. Fach- und Wissenschaftsthemen sicher aufbereiten und präsentieren.

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Horizontale Tabs

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Vorwort zur 2. Auflage6
Vorwort zur 1. Auflage7
Weitere Beiträge9
Unit 1: Health and Health Care12
1.1 Not Feeling Well13
1.2 Introduction to Health and Ill Health15
1.3 Some Commonly Encountered Medical Conditions19
1.4 Health Professionals22
1.5 Types of Health Care Systems24
1.6 The Health Care System of the UK: The National Health Service (NHS)27
1.7 Health Care in the USA30
1.8 Health Services in the USA35
1.9 The German Health Care System37
Unit 2: Body Parts and Body Functions39
2.1 Basic Anatomical Terms40
2.2 The Anatomy of the Human Body41
2.3 The Parts of the Body43
2.4 Compound Words in Anatomy43
2.5 The Brain and Nervous System47
2.6 Human Locomotion49
2.7 The Physiology of Voice50
2.8 The Larynx and Thoracic Cavity55
2.9 Auscultation of the Lungs57
2.10 Human Anatomy in English Proverbs and Sayings59
Unit 3: Places of Work and Professional Responsibilities62
3.1 Allied Health Professions63
3.2 What Do Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists and Speech and Language Therapists Do?65
3.3 The Working Conditions of Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists and Speech and Language Therapists around the World68
3.4 Occupation – Movement – Communication69
3.5 Occupational Therapy Models of Practice70
3.6 Therapeutic Treatment Methods in Occupational Therapy and Speech and Language Therapy73
3.7 Physiotherapy Fields of Activity and Clinical Practice75
3.8 Working in Private Practice in the USA77
3.9 Working for a School Board in the USA79
3.10 Working in a Hospital in the USA81
3.11 The Multi-Professional Setting within a Hospital in the United Kingdom82
3.12 Asking and Giving Directions85
3.13 Working Shifts for Allied Health Professionals in Public Hospitals89
3.14 Instruments and Equipment in the Hospital91
3.15 Health and Safety in the Hospital91
Unit 4: Communicating with Patients – From Initial Assessment to Discharge95
4.1 The Therapeutic Relationship and the Intervention Process96
4.2 Making an Appointment97
4.3 Case History98
4.4 The Initial Assessment Interview – Basic Interview100
4.5 The Initial Assessment Interview – Detailed Interview and Questionnaire106
4.6 Documentation I – Case Notes and Diagnostic Report111
4.7 Completing a Physical Examination114
4.8 Clinical Reasoning Processes in Chest Physiotherapy – An Excursion to Respiratory Physiotherapy Treatment117
4.9 Interpretation of Test Results and Observations120
4.10 Treatment and Treatment Plan124
4.11 Documentation II – SOAP Notes130
4.12 Documentation III – Progress Report and Discharge Summary137
Unit 5: Interdisciplinary Collaboration – The Vocabulary of Health Professionals in Multi-Professional Teams141
5.1 Health Care Teams and Team Collaboration142
5.2 The International Classi.cation of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)143
5.3 Health Professionals and Attitudes toward Disability145
5.4 Assistive Devices147
5.5 Areas Covered in Rehabilitation Programmes150
5.6 Team Conference on an Inpatient Sub-Acute Stroke Unit152
5.7 Team Meeting for an IEP (Individualized Education Plan) in the USA156
5.8 Neurological Patient Admission to Hospital – Example of a Hospital Medical Ward Chart Note159
Unit 6: Higher Education – OT, PT, SLT at University164
6.1 Differences between School and University165
6.2 Study Skills: Academic Reading165
6.3 Study Skills: Academic Writing168
6.4 Study Skills: Presentations and Discussions172
6.5 A Short Overview of Higher Education in the UK and the USA177
6.6 Doing a Bachelor’s Degree – An Occupational Therapy Student’s Perspective181
6.7 Doing a Master’s Degree – A Speech-Language Pathologist’s Experience183
6.8 The International Perspective on AHP Programmes186
6.9 University Application and Statement of Purpose187
Unit 7: Working Abroad190
7.1 The Experience of Working Abroad191
7.2 State Registration and Professional Associations196
7.3 The Job Application Process in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland199
7.4 Writing a Curriculum Vitae (CV)/Résumé208
7.5 Writing a Covering Letter for a Job Application211
Unit 8: Appendix217
8.1 Abbreviation List218
8.2 General Grades of Specialization of OTs, PTs and SLTs in the UK223
8.3 Therapy Materials and Equipment224
8.4 Directions and Planes of Reference232
8.5 Human Locomotion233
8.6 Useful Phrases for Patient Communication233
8.7 Useful Phrases for Presentations and236
8.8 Key – Lösungsschlüssel237

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