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Poetry, Politics and Promises of Empire

Prophetic Rhetoric in the English and Neo-Latin Epithalamia on the occasion of the Palatine Marriage in 1613

AutorChristof Ginzel
VerlagVandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Seitenanzahl389 Seiten
Preis59,99 EUR
Die vorliegende interdisziplinäre Studie untersucht die poetische wie auch die politische Inszenierung der Pfälzischen Hochzeit des Jahres 1613 in London in den occasio-typischen Kommunikationsmedien frühneuzeitlicher Hof- und Populärkultur (Epithalamium, Festbeschreibung, Pamphlet, Predigt etc.) am Hof des schottisch-englischen König Jakob VI. und I. Im Zentrum dieser literatur- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Arbeit steht die Repräsentation des Kurfürsten Friedrich V. von der Pfalz (1596–1632) und seiner Braut Elisabeth Stuart (1596–1662) als Positivikonen eines scheinbar in Aussicht stehenden pan-protestantischen Europa. Im zeitgenössischen Kontext herrschaftslegitimierender Genealogievorstellungen und religiös motivierter politischer Illusionen wird der Ehebund zur Manifestation göttlichen Willens und einer verheißungsvollen Zukunft stilisiert.

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"Chapter 2 “And I heard a voice from heaven”262: The Contemporary Nexus of Political Prophecy and Religious Propaganda (S. 105-106)

2. Myth and Marriage

A blend of intellectual arcana and popular beliefs provided the backdrop for the Stuart-Palatine wedding. Several layers of meaning made it possible to understand the manifold messages contextually. Considering the courtly attempt to represent the amorous and political union most fashionably, it is reasonable to hypothesise that the actual historical event was transmuted into a literary/mythical topos.

The re-creation and interpretation of the Palatine Marriage as a series of politically charged mythical episodes was facilitated by an existing prophetic superstructure. It behoves us to examine these facts carefully because as an early modern dynastic marriage, matrimony seems to have depended heavily on political prophecy. However close, marriages, whether of convenience or of love, had always centred around a prominent feature: it was hoped the bond would last for ever. Given this tiny glimpse of eternity, a wedding could be imagined to be a ‘prophetic’ event – so prophetic that there was reason to believe that the marrying couple would enter a stage of never ending, unalloyed bliss.

Conventional hopes and wishes merged into a solemn fabric of an illusionary but ostensibly predictable future. Unlike ordinary marriages, in which merrymaking and well-wishing were inextricably linked, but usually within the realms of possibility, dynastic marriages reached beyond the scope of the explicable.263 In this respect, the Stuart- Palatine union should be of particular concern to us, for it tends toward an extreme somewhere between polemic prophecy and undeterred exuberance. Regardless of the religious significance of matrimony in general,264 dynastic bonds had a wider perspective as they brought together kingdoms and countries.

In the case of the Palatine Marriage, the apocalyptic conjectures fanned the heat of the event. It is no accident that a generation petrified with premonition and scepticism projected all their aspirations onto a couple that could be envisioned to ascend to the British throne as king and queen. Poetry and prose written on the occasion have to be interpreted within a context full of raging polarities, of Judgement Day madness and apocalyptic optimism, of increasing bigotry and reconciliatory tendencies, of sheer enthusiasm and complete indifference.

Altogether, the literature in question provided an outlook on a happy, promising and prosperous future. The stage was set for political prophecy. The state of feverish excitement is hard to describe. Arthur Wilson’s chapter on the Stuart-Palatine marriage allows us to catch a glimpse of the atmospheric frenzy, ill-omened premonition and scares which dominated the period of time shortly before the marriage took place. For example, it was feared that Spanish spies would disturb the festivities:"
Blick ins Buch
Table of Content9
A note on the text17
List of Illustration19
General Introduction23
1. “Destroy thou them, O God, …”23
2. Method and research28
3. Scope31
PART ONE Prophetic Contexts: The Historic and Cultural Setting of the Palatine Marriage35
Chapter 1 Of Saints, Soldiers and Heroes Revived: The Creation of Usable History and The Policy of Heroic Nostalgia37
1. “And there appeared a great wonder in heaven …”37
Chapter 2 “And I heard a voice from heaven”: The Contemporary Nexus of Political Prophecy and Religious Propaganda107
2. Myth and Marriage107
PART TWO Toward a Rhetoric of Empire: The Poetic Architecture of the Palatine Marriage153
Chapter 3 “ A True Relation of a Magnificent Union …” – Networks of Jacobean Court Communication155
3. Manifesting Marriage: The Literary Reception155
Chapter 4 The Early Stuart Epithalamium: A Poetic Monument and Mirror of Order – Ekphrasis, Prosopopeia, and the Festive Allegory215
4. A Quest for Order and Unity215
Chapter 5 Empire, Truth and the New Israelites: The Occasional Reworking of Elizabethan Commonplaces in a Jacobean Imperial Context269
5. A Rhetoric of Empire and Imperial Majesty269
Chapter 6 Conclusion319
From Prophetic Metaphor to Real Battle Action323
Macroscopic: 1568–1618333
Microscopic: 1610–1614 (OS)335
Editions, Sources and Analogues351
Studies and Reference Works367

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