eBooks vom Autor: Christoph Rasche

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Fachliteratur im eBook Format - Verlag: Christoph Rasche
4 E-Book vorhanden

Internationales Management

E-Book Internationales Management

As a subsection of the field of strategic company management, international management is concerned with the development, shaping and maintenance of a company=s production and market relationships…

Internationales Management

E-Book Internationales Management

As a subsection of the field of strategic company management, international management is concerned with the development, shaping and maintenance of a company=s production and market relationships…

Change Management

E-Book Change Management

Many companies nowadays are working in a framework of social, economic, legal, ecological and technological conditions that are subject to increasing volatility, dynamism and complexity.…

Change Management

E-Book Change Management

Many companies nowadays are working in a framework of social, economic, legal, ecological and technological conditions that are subject to increasing volatility, dynamism and complexity.…