eBooks vom Autor: Dieter Meyer

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Fachliteratur im eBook Format - Verlag: Dieter Meyer
9 E-Book vorhanden

GKG/FamGKG 2012

E-Book GKG/FamGKG 2012

A new edition of this work was made necessary by the numerous changes to the law of costs related to contentious jurisdiction since the Reform Act on Proceedings in Family Matters and Matters of…

GKG/FamGKG 2014

E-Book GKG/FamGKG 2014

The 14th edition of this practice-proven standard work on court cost law considers the numerous legal changes that have taken place in the GKG/FamGKG (Court Fees Act/Act on Court Fees in Family…


E-Book Gerichtskostengesetz

The extent and pace of legislation since the revised text of the Court Fees Act (GKG) have made extensive revisions and supplementary additions necessary. It was possible to take into account…

GKG/FamGKG 2016

E-Book GKG/FamGKG 2016

As a result of the 2nd Modernization of Costs Law, many provisions of the 3rd(Annexes) were reformulated (such as reimbursement of costs), and came into force in the 1st quarter of 2014. The new…