eBooks vom Autor: Fredmund Malik

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Fachliteratur im eBook Format - Verlag: Fredmund Malik
12 E-Book vorhanden

Management Is a Craft

E-Book Management Is a Craft

This Malik eReading application comprises the complete Malik Management Systems: Essentials every manager needs to know, from the essence of the craft to strategy, corporate governance and leadership…

Management For a New Era

E-Book Management For a New Era

Management is no matter of ideology, nor is it a question of fashion. Management is a craft - the universal and most important discipline of the 21st century. Fredmund Malik, the leading expert in…

Navigating into the Unknown

E-Book Navigating into the Unknown

In a few years, almost everything will be different: what we do, how we do it, and why we do it; how we produce and consume, how we conduct research, how we teach and learn, how we share information…


E-Book Strategy

This book describes Malik's strategic solutions for the Revolutions of the New World, which are already underway. They are part of the Great Transformation 21 which the author will address in the…

Navigating into the Unknown

Kein E-Book Cover vorhanden

In a few years, almost everything will be different: what we do, how we do it, and why we do it; how we produce and consume, how we conduct research, how we teach and learn, how we share information…