eBooks vom Autor: Gudrun Knaus

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Fachliteratur im eBook Format - Verlag: Gudrun Knaus
2 E-Book vorhanden

Invenit, Incisit, Imitavit

E-Book Invenit, Incisit, Imitavit

Until the founding of the public museum in the 18th century, the works of Raphael were known to other artists almost exclusively from their transmission in etchings. Among these, the works of Raphael…

Invenit, Incisit, Imitavit

E-Book Invenit, Incisit, Imitavit

Until the founding of the public museum in the 18th century, the works of Raphael were known to other artists almost exclusively from their transmission in etchings. Among these, the works of Raphael…