Die SUN & WIND ENERGY ist die englisch-sprachige Zeitschrift für den gesamten regenerativen Energiebereich. Sie erscheint monatlich und wird weltweit vertrieben.
Informieren Sie sich über die neusten Änderung in der Fotovoltaik, der Sonnen- oder Windenergie. SUN & WIND ENERGY hält Sie über speziele Events wie Messen und Expos auf dem Laufenden.
SUN & WIND ENERGY is the unique forum for experts on renewable energies that informs about 25,000 professionals worldwide in English about the top-themes of the branch. Generally featured in the international magazine are market overviews, product information, statistics, prospects and exclusive company profiles, all within the fields of solar thermal, photovoltaics, wind energy and biomass. Besides receiving the latest news the reader is able to benefit from additional offerings such as an exhibition calendar and a branch directory.
SUN & WIND ENERGY is created by an experienced and professional editorial team. As a provider of profound and in-depth world news, the magazine is essential for every company that wants to maximise export opportunities and to establish a network of international branch contacts. SUN & WIND ENERGY is published monthly.
Photovoltaics are multifunctional. They can deliver electricity everywhere, in grid-tied areas or far from any electricity supply. SUN & WIND ENERGY continuously informs you about the supply chain from silicon to the module manufacturer. The magazine reports on the trends of thin film technology, tracking systems and inverter developments and closely observes the political framework.
Solar thermal
Solar thermal heating systems have become technically rather evolved. They provide one-family houses as well as entire residential areas with hot water. Whether the large manufacturers in China, the solar thermal high technology in Germany, or the emergent markets in the United States – SUN & WIND ENERGY keeps you up to date with solar thermal energy worldwide.
Wind Energy
The utilisation of wind energy is currently making the greatest progress throughout the world. The wind energy trend is increasingly catching on within countries on all the continents of the world. In India and China the market is rapidly growing. The boom is chiefly taking place onshore for the time being, but offshore wind projects will become big business in the future.
Biomass is transportable like no other solar energy store. As pellets, briquettes, or scarps, it distributes heat to any home but can also be used in modern power plants to generate electricity. Also the demand for biofuels is on the increase worldwide.
Country Special
Every issue of our international magazine SUN & WIND ENERGY features comprehensive Country Specials. SWE has a close look at established and upcoming markets for renewables worldwide. The Country Specials inform about the status of the renewables, about prevailing technologies, locally and internationally operating companies and general political conditions.
![]() | Jahresabonnement | Reduzierte Abos | ||||
Inland | Ausland | Institution | Probeabo | Studentenabo | ||
79,00 € | 84,00 € | |||||
Einzelheft | ||||||
Ladenpreis | ||||||
12,00 € | ||||||
Erscheinung | Auflage | |||||
Turnus | verkauft | verbreitet | ||||
12.02., 15.03., 30.05., 01.08., 29.09., 11.11. | 2000 | 25000 |
![]() | Verlag / Anschrift | aktualisiert am | Seitenaufrufe | |||
.Kein Verlag bekannt | 30.08.2018 | 6728 | ||||