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Acceptance of Remote Services

Perception, Adoption, and Continued Usage in Organizational Settings

AutorNancy Wünderlich
VerlagGabler Verlag
Seitenanzahl262 Seiten
Preis46,99 EUR
Nancy V. Wünderlich employs a multi-method approach comprising an international qualitative study in Germany, USA and China and a longitudinal quantitative study to analyze remote services. She develops the Interactive Technology-Mediated Service Model (ITSUM) to provide a comprehensive approach of explaining both initial acceptance and repeated, continued usage of remote services in organizations.

Dr. Nancy Wünderlich received her doctorate at Technische Universität München under the guidance of Prof. Florian v. Wangenheim and Prof. Mary Jo Bitner.

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Short Table of Contents10
Table of Contents11
List of Figures16
List of Tables18
List of Abbreviations20
Chapter 1 Introduction24
1.1 Motivation and Goals of the Thesis24
1.2 Research Questions27
1.3 Structure of the Thesis27
Chapter 2 Conceptual Framework: Remote Services in Context of Technology-Mediated Services30
2.1 Emerging Technology-Mediated Service Types30
2.1.1 E-Services30
2.1.2 Self-Services32
2.1.3 Mobile Services35
2.1.4 Industry Specific Technology-Mediated Services36 Teleservices in Engineering and Manufacturing Industries36 Telematics in the Automotive Industry38 Telemedicine in Health Care39 Services in the IT-Sector41
2.2 Classification of Remote Services42
2.2.1 Definition of Remote Services42
2.2.2 Characteristics of Remote Services43
2.2.3 Benefits of Remote Services46
2.3 Classification of Interactive Remote Services47
2.3.1 Definition of Interactive Remote Services47
2.3.2 Characterization and Demarcation of Interactive Remote Services48
2.3.3 Positioning of Interactive Remote Services49
2.4 Conclusions and Implications52
Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework for Remote Service Adoption and Continued Usage53
3.1 Theoretical Foundations of Technology Adoption53
3.1.1 Behavioral Theories from Social Psychology and Sociology54 Innovation Diffusion Theory and Variants54 The Theory of Reasoned Action and Variants56 The Theory of Planned Behavior and Variants58 The Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior59
3.1.2 Models in IT-Adoption Based on Behavioral Theories61 The Technology Acceptance Model and Variants61 The Motivational Model and Variants63 The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology64 Compeau and Higgins’ Model based on Social Cognitive Theory66
3.1.3 Theoretical Foundations of Continued Use of Technology67 Importance of Prior Experience67 Studies On Continued Usage68 Comparison of Adoption and Continuance Drivers70
3.1.4 Summary and Overview of Models in Technology Adoption72
3.2 Theoretical Foundations of Interaction in the Service En-counter80
3.2.1 Perceptions of Service Providers’ Employee Behavior80 Importance of Employee Behavior in the Service Encounter80 Customer Orientation of Employees82 Role of Employee Behavior in Service Quality Assessments82 Employee Behavior in Technology-Mediated Service Encounters84
3.2.2 Customer Integration in the Service Process87 Research on Customer Co-Production87 Drivers of Customer Co-Production88
3.2.3 Customer Beliefs Regarding the Interaction with Service Technol-ogy91 Consumer Readiness as Driver of Technology-Mediated Co-Production91 Technology Readiness as a Driver of Technology Usage in Services91
3.3 Transcending Concepts of Trust and Control across Dis-ciplines93
3.3.1 Importance of Trust and Trustworthiness93
3.3.2 Importance of Control Beliefs95
3.3.3 The Trust-Control Nexus97
3.4 Technology-Intensive Service Adoption in B2B contexts99
3.4.1 Business Service Relationships99
3.4.2 Decision Making and the Adoption Process in Organizations100
3.4.3 Organizational Adoption Drivers103
3.5 Summary of the Theoretical Foundations of Remote Ser-vices104
Chapter 4 Methodological Superstructure and Empirical Setting107
4.1 Methodological Superstructure107
4.2 Empirical Setting of the Employed Studies109
4.2.1 Selection of the Printing Industry109
4.2.2 Printing Machine Manufacturing110
4.2.3 The Printing Industry111
Chapter 5 Qualitative Exploratory Interview Study114
5.1 Motivation and Goals114
5.2 Qualitative Research Methodology115
5.2.1 Semi-Structured Interviews as Means of Data Collection115
5.2.2 Qualitative Content Analysis as Means of Data Analysis115
5.2.3 Validity and Reliability116
5.3 Field Phase118
5.3.1 Sample Selection118
5.3.2 Interview Situation and Questionnaire Design123
5.3.3 Category Development and Coding126
5.4 Results of the Qualitative Interview Study126
5.4.1 Assessment of Intercoder Reliability126
5.4.2 Structure of Results Presentation127
5.4.3 Technology Beliefs128
5.4.4 Relational Beliefs131 Trust in the Remote Service Technician131 Trust in the Remote Service Provider Company134
5.4.5 Process Control Beliefs135
5.4.6 Economic Values138
5.4.7 Participation Beliefs141
5.4.8 Cultural Differences in the Customer’sWillingness to Collaborate143
5.4.9 Prior Experiences144
5.4.10 Organizational Factors145
5.4.11 Contextual Factors147
5.4.12 Discussion of the Results148
Chapter 6 Hypotheses Development152
6.1 Development of the ITSUM152
6.1.1 Counterpart Beliefs153 Controllability of the Counterpart’s Actions153 Trustworthiness of the Counterpart155
6.1.2 Technology Beliefs157 Trust in Technology157 Ease of Use157
6.1.3 Perceived Usefulness158
6.1.4 Participation Beliefs160 Role Clarity160 Role Ability161 Intrinsic Motivation161
6.1.5 Organizational Characteristics162 Subjective Norms162 Company Size and Respondent’s Function163
6.2 Link Between Usage Intention and Actual Usage Behav-ior164
6.3 Hypotheses Development for Group Comparisons164
Chapter 7 Quantitative Studies170
7.1 Motivation and Goals170
7.2 Methods and Techniques Employed171
7.2.1 Survey Research171
7.2.2 Structural Equation Modeling172 Methodology172 Assessment of Reliability and Validity174 Assessment of Model Fit and Data Quality175 Dependent Categorical Variables177 Multi-Group Comparison177
7.3 Study Design180
7.4 General Outline of the Questionnaires181
7.5 Operationalization of the Constructs182
7.6 Quality of the Questionnaire and Pre-Test187
7.7 t1-Study: Results of ITSUM Validation188
7.7.1 Sample Structure and Description188
7.7.2 Data Quality191
7.7.3 Measurement Validity192
7.7.4 Assessing Common Method Variance195
7.7.5 Validation of the ITSUM (n=717)196
7.8 Multi-Group Comparison: Adoption vs. Continued Us-age199
7.8.1 Description of the Groups199
7.8.2 Assessing Measurement Invariance200
7.8.3 Results for Organizations in the Pre-Adoption Phase205
7.8.4 Results for Organizations in the Continued Usage Phase207
7.8.5 Comparison of Group Parameters210
7.9 t2-Study: Intention Behavior Link213
7.9.1 Sample Description213
7.9.2 Logistic Regression Results215
7.10 Discussion of the Results217
Chapter 8 Summary and Conclusions222
8.1 Summary of the Central Results222
8.2 Managerial Implications224
8.3 Implications for Future Research227
Appendix A Additional Tables and Figures275
A.1 Interview Guideline of the Exploratory Qualitative Study275
A.2 First Pages of the Online Survey t1 and t2-study277
A.3 Exploratory Factor Analysis Results279
A.4 Correlations280
A.5 Calculation of Moderating Effects281

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