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Arenen der Ästhetischen Bildung

Zeiten und Räume kultureller Kämpfe

Verlagtranscript Verlag
ReiheÄsthetik und Bildung 9
Seitenanzahl228 Seiten
Preis67,47 EUR
Ever since the antique, we have been presented with battles around aesthetic education that are carried out not just theoretically, but also practically. In »Arenas of Aesthetic Education« it is not just arts, relations of power and scholarly schemes of legitimation that are at play, but above all people. This book shows that debates on the old and the new, battles related to the audience or the ambivalences of image communication were and continue to be carried out as battles over aesthetic education. No social space appears to be exempt from this, as essays on church services, on the window display or on palliative care units make evident. In the process, it becomes clear that no education is as intensive as the education in the exposure to culture and aesthetics. For this reason, these confrontations are carried out with such force.

Jörg Zirfas (Prof. Dr. phil.) lehrt Erziehungswissenschaft an der Universität zu Köln. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte sind Pädagogische und Historische Anthropologie, Bildungs- und Erziehungsphilosophie, Psychoanalyse und Pädagogische Ethnografie, Ästhetische Bildung sowie Kulturpädagogik.

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