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Einführung in die Satzanalyse

Die Bestimmung der Satzglieder im Deutschen

AutorKlaus Welke
VerlagWalter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG
ReiheDe Gruyter Studienbuch 
Seitenanzahl388 Seiten
Preis19,95 EUR

Constituent analysis is one of the basic skills required of prospective specialists in German studies and is therefore a mandatory component of university teaching. The textbook offers a detailed overview of the theoretical concepts and terminology of constituent analysis, which are explained by way of numerous applied examples and sample analyses, and supplemented by exercises and an index. As a result, the book provides the reader with a universally applicable tool for accurately identifying individual constituents (main clause, subordinate clause, object, predicate, attribute, etc.) and can also be used for self-study. The book also gives well-founded insights into the syntactic structure of the German language and facilitates language comparison in foreign language teaching. Although the book is especially intended for students, it will also serve as a fundamental teaching aid for student teachers, as well as teachers and instructors of linguistics.

  • Detailed introduction to constituent analysis
  • Valuable preparatory work for the study of linguistics
  • Relevant for university study, school education and self-study
  • With numerous examples and sample analyses

Klaus Welke, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin und Universität Wien, Österreich.

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