Vorwort zur 3. Auflage | 7 |
Vorwort zur 1. Auflage | 8 |
Acknowledgements | 9 |
Weitere Beiträge | 10 |
Contents | 11 |
Unit 1: Health and Health Care | 13 |
1.1 Not Feeling Well | 14 |
1.2 Introduction to Health and Ill Health | 16 |
1.3 Some Commonly Encountered MedicalConditions | 20 |
1.4 Health Professionals | 23 |
1.5 Types of Health Care Systems | 25 |
1.6 The Health Care System of the UK:The National Health Service (NHS) | 28 |
1.7 Health Care in the USA | 31 |
1.8 Health Services in the USA | 36 |
1.9 The German Health Care System | 38 |
Unit 2: Body Parts and Body Functions | 40 |
2.1 Basic Anatomical Terms | 41 |
2.2 Directions and Planes of Reference | 43 |
2.3 The Parts of the Body | 46 |
2.4 Compound Words in Anatomy | 47 |
2.5 The Brain and Nervous System | 49 |
2.6 Human Locomotion | 51 |
2.7 The Physiology of Voice | 53 |
2.8 The Larynx and Thoracic Cavity | 58 |
2.9 Auscultation of the Lungs | 60 |
2.10 Human Anatomy in English Proverbs andSayings | 62 |
Unit 3: Places of Work and ProfessionalResponsibilities | 65 |
3.1 Allied Health Professions | 66 |
3.2 What Do Occupational Therapists,Physiotherapists and Speech and LanguageTherapists Do? | 68 |
3.3 The Working Conditions of OccupationalTherapists, Physiotherapists and Speech andLanguage Therapists around the World | 71 |
3.4 Occupation – Movement – Communication | 72 |
3.5 Occupational Therapy Models of Practice | 73 |
3.6 Therapeutic Treatment Methods inOccupational Therapy and Speech andLanguage Therapy | 76 |
3.7 Physiotherapy Fields of Activity and ClinicalPractice | 78 |
3.8 Working in Private Practice in the USA | 80 |
3.9 Working for a School Board in the USA | 82 |
3.10 Working in a Hospital in the USA | 84 |
3.11 The Multi-Professional Setting within a Hospitalin the United Kingdom | 85 |
3.12 Asking and Giving Directions | 88 |
3.13 Working Shifts for Allied Health Professionals inPublic Hospitals | 92 |
3.14 Instruments and Equipment in the Hospital | 94 |
3.15 Health and Safety in the Hospital | 94 |
Unit 4: Communicating with Patients –From Initial Assessment to Discharge | 98 |
4.1 The Therapeutic Relationship and theIntervention Process | 99 |
4.2 Making an Appointment | 100 |
4.3 Case History | 101 |
4.4 The Initial Assessment Interview – BasicInterview | 103 |
4.5 The Initial Assessment Interview – DetailedInterview and Questionnaire | 109 |
4.6 Documentation I – Case Notes and DiagnosticReport | 114 |
4.7 Completing a Physical Examination | 118 |
4.8 Clinical Reasoning Processes in ChestPhysiotherapy – An Excursion to RespiratoryPhysiotherapy Treatment | 120 |
4.9 Interpretation of Test Results and Observations | 123 |
4.10 Treatment and Treatment Plan | 127 |
4.11 Documentation II – SOAP Notes | 133 |
4.12 Documentation III – Progress Report andDischarge Summary | 140 |
Unit 5: Interdisciplinary Collaboration –The Vocabulary of Health Professionalsin Multi-Professional Teams | 145 |
5.1 Health Care Teams and Team Collaboration | 146 |
5.2 The International Classification of Functioning,Disability and Health (ICF) | 147 |
5.3 Health Professionals and Attitudes towardDisability | 149 |
5.4 Assistive Devices | 151 |
5.5 Areas Covered in Rehabilitation Programmes | 154 |
5.6 Team Conference on an Inpatient Sub-AcuteStroke Unit | 156 |
5.7 Team Meeting for an IEP (IndividualizedEducation Plan) in the USA | 160 |
5.8 Neurological Patient Admission to Hospital –Example of a Hospital Medical Ward Chart Note | 163 |
Unit 6: Higher Education –OT, PT, SLT at University | 168 |
6.1 Differences between School and University | 169 |
6.2 Study Skills: Academic Reading | 169 |
6.3 Study Skills: Academic Writing | 172 |
6.4 Study Skills: Presentations and Discussions | 175 |
6.5 A Short Overview of Higher Education in the UKand the USA | 181 |
6.6 Doing a Bachelor’s Degree – An OccupationalTherapy Student’s Perspective | 185 |
6.7 Doing a Master’s Degree – A Speech-LanguagePathologist’s Experience | 187 |
6.8 The International Perspective on AHPProgrammes | 190 |
6.9 University Application and Statement ofPurpose | 191 |
Unit 7: Working Abroad | 194 |
7.1 The Experience of Working Abroad | 195 |
7.2 State Registration and ProfessionalAssociations | 200 |
7.3 The Job Application Process in the UnitedKingdom and the Republic of Ireland | 203 |
7.4 Writing a Curriculum Vitae (CV)/Résumé | 212 |
7.5 Writing a Covering Letter for a Job Application | 215 |
Unit 8: Appendix | 221 |
8.1 Abbreviation List | 222 |
8.2 General Grades of Specialization of OTs, PTs andSLTs in the UK | 227 |
8.3 Therapy Materials and Equipment | 228 |
8.4 Useful Phrases for PatientCommunication | 236 |
8.5 Useful Phrases forPresentations andDiscussions | 238 |
Bibliography | 245 |