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Fantasy and Political Violence

The Meaning of Anticommunism in Chile

AutorMargarita Palacios
VerlagVS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften (GWV)
Seitenanzahl133 Seiten
Preis40,00 EUR

Dr. Margarita Palacios completed her doctoral thesis at the New School for Social Research in New York. She is now a lecturer at the School of Psychosocial Studies at Birkbeck College, University of London.

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Horizontale Tabs

Blick ins Buch
1 The Interpretations13
2 A Divided Society: Thirty-three Years later14
3 Theory of Violence17
4 The Use of Psychoanalytical Theory18
5 Methodology21
6 Organization of the Book22
First Part: Understanding Political Violence25
Chapter 1: Otherness in Social Theory26
1 The ‘Deviant’ Other27
2 The Other as Ideology28
3 Symbolic Interactionism: The Community of the Self and the Other30
4 Post-Structuralism and the Other as Power31
5 Concluding Remarks: Desire as the Other?33
Chapter 2: On Sacredness and Transgression: Understanding Social Antagonism35
1 The Sacred and the Profane36
2 Emergence of Social Antagonism38
3 Language and the Structure of Desire41
4 Fantasy43
5 Discussion and Conclusions44
Chapter 3: Sexuality and Violence: Towards Feminine Ethics47
1 The Key Nature of Sexuality47
2 A Masculine Society: The Oedipus Complex and Morality49
3 Feminine Passivity versus Male Activity51
4 On Sexed Subjects: Fundamental Male and Female Fantasies53
5 Sexed Enjoyment and Exclusion54
6 On Asceticism, Mysticism and Dualism55
7 Concluding Remarks: Towards Feminine Ethics57
Chapter 4: Democracy and Violence59
1 Discourse Rationality62
2 Discourse Ethics64
3 Civil Disobedience65
4 Hegemony and Radical Democracy68
5 Articulation of Meaning and the Constitutive Outsider70
6 The Universal71
7 The Political Field72
8 Conclusions: Ethics and Politics74
Chapter 5: Outline of a Theory of Violence78
1 Violence as Constitutive of Society79
2 Identification and the Libidinal Link with Ideal Self79
3 Fantasy80
4 Fantasy and Sexuality81
5 Elements of a Violent Fantasy81
Second Part: The Meaning of Anti- Communism in Chile83
Chapter 6: Historical Fantasies: The Right and Left in Chile84
1 Background to the Presidential Elections in 197086
2 The Socialist Government of the Popular Unity Coalition (UP)88
3 The Emergence of a New (Violent) Political Articulation90
4 Historical Fantasies in Chile92
Chapter 7: Metaphors of Hate97
1 The Content of the Political Propaganda97
Chapter 8: The Meaning of Anti-Communism in Chile109
Selected Bibliography117

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