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Theatralia Judaica II

Nach der Shoah. Israelisch-deutsche Theaterbeziehungen seit 1949

VerlagWalter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG
ReiheTheatronISSN 17
Seitenanzahl264 Seiten
Preis109,95 EUR

The analyses in this volume represent a continuation of those presented in »Theatralia Judaica I« on the Jewish contribution to central European theatre from the beginnings of Jewish emancipation to the advent of National Socialism. Since 1945 Jewish-German theatre relations have been marked by the Shoah and its aftermath. In the German-speaking countries the re-establishment of a theatrical culture was notable from the outset for the significant contribution made by Jewish authors and theatre artists, while in Israel the experiences of the immediate past found expression in the various forms of the Hebrew theatre tradition. Since the mid fifties there has been an increase in contacts and reciprocal relations. As shown by events such as the Fassbinder affair in Frankfurt and the reception of Sobol's work, the recurrent concern has been to address essential questions pertaining to the relationship between the two countries.

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