Impact of Self-driving cars on Insurance Industry. How do (external) challenges and innovations change the insurance market?

Autor | Richard M. Ondimu |
Verlag | GRIN Verlag |
Erscheinungsjahr | 2017 |
Seitenanzahl | 13 Seiten |
ISBN | 9783668577862 |
Format | |
Kopierschutz | kein Kopierschutz |
Geräte | PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet |
Preis | 15,99 EUR |
Richard is a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD, in Finance) Student at Aston University, Birmingham-UK, a seasoned accountant and a part-time lecturer, teaching Corporate Reporting and CPA's Financial Reporting. He holds a distinction in MSc Finance Banking and Insurance degree from the University of Westminster (UK) where he was also honored with two academic prizes/award (namely; Westminster Business School Prize for Outstanding Postgraduate Student and Westminster Business School Prize for Outstanding student in MSC Finance, Banking, and Insurance ) and has previously worked for the Government of Kenya and University of Eldoret, Kenya. Furthermore, he is a full member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya (ICPAK)