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Fachenglisch für Gesundheitsberufe

Physiotherapie, Ergotherapie, Logopädie

AutorSandra Schiller
Seitenanzahl245 Seiten
Preis34,99 EUR
Das Fachenglisch-Lehrbuch für drei therapeutische Berufsgruppen vermittelt den im Berufsalltag relevanten Wortschatz, das Fachvokabular zu Krankheitsbildern sowie Informationen über das Gesundheitssystem in den angelsächsischen Ländern. Im Mittelpunkt steht das Training der aktiven Sprachkompetenz im Berufsalltag - für eine leichtere Kommunikation mit englischsprachigen Kollegen, ein besseres Verständnis englischsprachiger Fachliteratur und mehr Sicherheit bei Präsentationen. Kostenlose Internet-Downloads von Lesetexten und Übungen.

Nach Lehrtätigkeit an einer britischen Universität und einem Austauschprogramm für US-amerikanische Studierende ist Sandra Schiller seit 2002 am BSc- und MSc-Studiengang Ergotherapie, Logopädie und Physiotherapie an der HAWK Hildesheim/Holzminden/Göttingen tätig.

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Horizontale Tabs

Blick ins Buch
Vorwort zur 3. Auflage7
Vorwort zur 1. Auflage8
Weitere Beiträge10
Unit 1: Health and Health Care13
1.1 Not Feeling Well14
1.2 Introduction to Health and Ill Health16
1.3 Some Commonly Encountered MedicalConditions20
1.4 Health Professionals23
1.5 Types of Health Care Systems25
1.6 The Health Care System of the UK:The National Health Service (NHS)28
1.7 Health Care in the USA31
1.8 Health Services in the USA36
1.9 The German Health Care System38
Unit 2: Body Parts and Body Functions40
2.1 Basic Anatomical Terms41
2.2 Directions and Planes of Reference43
2.3 The Parts of the Body46
2.4 Compound Words in Anatomy47
2.5 The Brain and Nervous System49
2.6 Human Locomotion51
2.7 The Physiology of Voice53
2.8 The Larynx and Thoracic Cavity58
2.9 Auscultation of the Lungs60
2.10 Human Anatomy in English Proverbs andSayings62
Unit 3: Places of Work and ProfessionalResponsibilities65
3.1 Allied Health Professions66
3.2 What Do Occupational Therapists,Physiotherapists and Speech and LanguageTherapists Do?68
3.3 The Working Conditions of OccupationalTherapists, Physiotherapists and Speech andLanguage Therapists around the World71
3.4 Occupation – Movement – Communication72
3.5 Occupational Therapy Models of Practice73
3.6 Therapeutic Treatment Methods inOccupational Therapy and Speech andLanguage Therapy76
3.7 Physiotherapy Fields of Activity and ClinicalPractice78
3.8 Working in Private Practice in the USA80
3.9 Working for a School Board in the USA82
3.10 Working in a Hospital in the USA84
3.11 The Multi-Professional Setting within a Hospitalin the United Kingdom85
3.12 Asking and Giving Directions88
3.13 Working Shifts for Allied Health Professionals inPublic Hospitals92
3.14 Instruments and Equipment in the Hospital94
3.15 Health and Safety in the Hospital94
Unit 4: Communicating with Patients –From Initial Assessment to Discharge98
4.1 The Therapeutic Relationship and theIntervention Process99
4.2 Making an Appointment100
4.3 Case History101
4.4 The Initial Assessment Interview – BasicInterview103
4.5 The Initial Assessment Interview – DetailedInterview and Questionnaire109
4.6 Documentation I – Case Notes and DiagnosticReport114
4.7 Completing a Physical Examination118
4.8 Clinical Reasoning Processes in ChestPhysiotherapy – An Excursion to RespiratoryPhysiotherapy Treatment120
4.9 Interpretation of Test Results and Observations123
4.10 Treatment and Treatment Plan127
4.11 Documentation II – SOAP Notes133
4.12 Documentation III – Progress Report andDischarge Summary140
Unit 5: Interdisciplinary Collaboration –The Vocabulary of Health Professionalsin Multi-Professional Teams145
5.1 Health Care Teams and Team Collaboration146
5.2 The International Classification of Functioning,Disability and Health (ICF)147
5.3 Health Professionals and Attitudes towardDisability149
5.4 Assistive Devices151
5.5 Areas Covered in Rehabilitation Programmes154
5.6 Team Conference on an Inpatient Sub-AcuteStroke Unit156
5.7 Team Meeting for an IEP (IndividualizedEducation Plan) in the USA160
5.8 Neurological Patient Admission to Hospital –Example of a Hospital Medical Ward Chart Note163
Unit 6: Higher Education –OT, PT, SLT at University168
6.1 Differences between School and University169
6.2 Study Skills: Academic Reading169
6.3 Study Skills: Academic Writing172
6.4 Study Skills: Presentations and Discussions175
6.5 A Short Overview of Higher Education in the UKand the USA181
6.6 Doing a Bachelor’s Degree – An OccupationalTherapy Student’s Perspective185
6.7 Doing a Master’s Degree – A Speech-LanguagePathologist’s Experience187
6.8 The International Perspective on AHPProgrammes190
6.9 University Application and Statement ofPurpose191
Unit 7: Working Abroad194
7.1 The Experience of Working Abroad195
7.2 State Registration and ProfessionalAssociations200
7.3 The Job Application Process in the UnitedKingdom and the Republic of Ireland203
7.4 Writing a Curriculum Vitae (CV)/Résumé212
7.5 Writing a Covering Letter for a Job Application215
Unit 8: Appendix221
8.1 Abbreviation List222
8.2 General Grades of Specialization of OTs, PTs andSLTs in the UK227
8.3 Therapy Materials and Equipment228
8.4 Useful Phrases for PatientCommunication236
8.5 Useful Phrases forPresentations andDiscussions238

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