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Elysian Fragrance - Elysische Klänge

AutorGebhard Deissler
VerlagGRIN Verlag
Seitenanzahl28 Seiten
Kopierschutzkein Kopierschutz/DRM
Preis6,99 EUR
Fachbuch aus dem Jahr 2010 im Fachbereich Germanistik - Neuere Deutsche Literatur, , Veranstaltung: Poesie, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Guide through the thorny rose garden of verse: Elysian Fragrance/Elysische Klänge of the Gardens of Verse disclose revelatory vistas that can lift and inspire the mind and the heart. Through a poetic prose approach it explores common and uncommon horizons of the visible and the more hidden. The various scents and fragrances released by the diverse blossoms of the blooming Elysian Rose Gardens add up to a vibrational field with insights, perceptions and emotions of an uncommon kind. An Elysian experience more timeless and perennial than ephemeral gratification of the senses. Sometimes it allows us to catch a glimpse of the deep undercurrents of existisence and the divine melodies form beyond. The ultimate quest is totality, authenticity, truth, love...: the wholeness of life that integrates its myriads of manifestations; inner wholeness as well as cosmic wholeness; the perception and understanding of the singularity of the totality of creation. No language is up to such an ambition; the poets of all times have been trying to catch glimpses of the hidden world and to engineer it in the beauty of the verses, the sages have tried to mold their perceptions, insights and intuition in intelligible metaphors for the audiences of their ages and cultures. Last but not least religions offer timeless truth in timeless metaphors and parables. Who could go beyond it? Many will replicate it form their unique cultural stances at their level of evolution and with their linguistic instruments and skills. The constraints of an English as a second language speaker additionally complicate the task of finding the 'mot juste', the right word at times. Ultimately anything inspirational can only be that if it has been truly inspired. Opening the heart and the mind and the linguistic resources and reservoirs to such marvelous inspiration and insight is the task at hand for the writer and the reader of these words.

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