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Selective Mutism in Children

Manifestations, Diagnosis, Therapy

AutorNitza Katz-Bernstein
Seitenanzahl243 Seiten
Preis28,99 EUR
Compact Basic KnowledgeWhy does the girl not speak in kindergarten? Why does the boy remain silent during school? Selectively mute children have the ability to speak, but choose not to use it in unfamiliar situations or in communication with certain people. A conversation with these children is often not possible at all or only via gestures or written messages. Nitza Katz-Bernstein elaborates in her book the symptoms of this dysfunction and explains the diagnostics and different therapies. She takes into consideration therapeutic elements from various disciplines such as speech therapy, as well as different schools of child and adolescent psychotherapy.

Prof. Dr. Nitza Katz-Bernstein, Consultant, Super visor, Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist (SPV, CH) and speech therapist, Switzerland, led the centre for counselling and therapy of the Faculty of Rehabili ta-tion Sciences, University of Dortmund, Germany. She is visiting Professor at the Tel Aviv University / Israel.

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Horizontale Tabs

Blick ins Buch
A Brief History8
Part I – Theoretical Approaches19
1 What is (Selective) Mutism?20
1.1 Definition and Appearance20
1.2 Diagnostic Criteria23
1.3 Types of Mutism24
1.4 Epidemiology, Co-Morbidity and Risk Factors26
1.5 A Contribution to Aetiology: Why Are Children Silent?31
2 Linguistic and Developmental-Psychological Approaches34
2.1 Why a Developmental-Psychological Approach?34
2.2 Language Acquisition and Language Development35
2.3 Summary55
Part II – Diagnostics and Therapy Coordination57
1 Diagnostic Surveys58
2 Setting and Case Management63
3 Survey of Data Relevant to Therapy66
Part III – Therapeutic Approaches and Efficacious Treatments79
1 Therapeutic Attitude80
1.1 Exert Pressure or Use Laissez Faire?81
1.2 Relationship Design and Motivation82
1.3 Models, Techniques, Training Programmes87
1.4 Integrative Principles for Therapeutic Work88
2 Therapy Planning90
2.1 Clarification of the Tasks of the Treatment90
2.2 Separation from Attachment Figures94
2.3 Safe Place98
2.4 Strengthening the „Alter Ego“104
2.5 Perseverance108
Part IV – Communicating Non-Verbally111
1 Constructing Communicative Behavior112
2 Working with Puppets and Transitional Objects114
3 The Fairytale Book with Speech Bubbles117
4 Language Therapies120
5 Symbolisation and Narrative Processing125
5.1 The Symbolic Game as Therapeutic Intervention125
5.2 The Relevance of Symbolic Play in Therapy127
5.3 The Therapeutic Role in Symbolic Play129
5.4 Digression: Developmental Diagnosis of Symbolic Play132
6 Taming Aggression in Symbolic and Role-Play135
Part V – Building Verbal Communication143
1 Communicating with Sounds144
2 First Words146
2.1 The First Word of the Preschool Child146
2.2 The First Word of the Schoolchild151
3 Working with the Tape158
4 Shadow Speaking and Forced Moves160
5 Working with „Ego-States“, „Inner Voices“ or „Introjects“163
6 Homework167
7 Transfer: The Generalisation of Speaking Ability171
8 Crisis and Resistance174
9 The End of the Therapy: Evaluation and Departure179
Part VI – Cooperation with Relatives and Experts183
1 Family and Silence184
2 Cooperation with Parents and Relatives187
2.1 Principles for Working with Parents187
2.2 Special Aspects of Working Together189
2.3 Issues of Frequent Concern to Parents191
3 Mutism and School201
4 Cooperation with Other Professionals203
Part VII – Case Report207
Lui, the Class and I208
Summary of the Case Studies216

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