eBooks vom Verlag: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG

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Fachliteratur im eBook Format - Verlag: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG
14882 E-Book vorhanden

'Juda wird aufsteigen!'

E-Book 'Juda wird aufsteigen!'

The study deals with a key passage within the composition of the historical books of the Old Testament and proposes a new solution to the problems of Judg 1. Using detailed literary critical…

Wille und Gegenstand

E-Book Wille und Gegenstand

Hegel’s criticism of Kant’s practical philosophy has been discussed in the history of reception mostly by means of the terms “morality and morals.” In contrast, what kind…


E-Book Binnenmarktkollisionsrecht

Conflict-of-laws rules that serve as application-of-law rules are necessary everywhere where legally relevant facts and circumstances of life have points of contact with different legal systems.…


E-Book Nachfragen

The study examines the function of queries in oral communication. It develops a typology of query forms that can be differentiated depending on the preceding communication and the respective…


E-Book MfS-Straftaten

The sixth volume documents the prosecution of criminal offences by the Ministry of National Security of the GDR and shows how the Ministry of National Security penetrated completely all areas of…

Europäische Methodenlehre

E-Book Europäische Methodenlehre

In this handbook questions regarding the method behind European law, particularly European private law, are represented for the first time comprehensively and systematically for instruction and…

Erzählen nach Darwin

E-Book Erzählen nach Darwin

The plot of a novel is expected to move purposefully toward an ending. Until the 19th century, processes within a reality believed to have been created by God were also understood to work in this…

Habitus barbarus

E-Book Habitus barbarus

Clothing and outward appearance as a means of expressing individual and collective identity were of great importance in Late Antiquity. This publication is the first interdisciplinary overview of…

Das Evangelium nach Petrus

E-Book Das Evangelium nach Petrus

The Gospel of Peter is one of the most fascinating apocryphal texts of the 2nd century. The studies in the present volume are concerned with the question of the reconstruction of the text and…

Origo, Geste und Raum

E-Book Origo, Geste und Raum

The book deals with the fundamental question of how language comprehension and situational comprehension interact with one another. Using an oral description of a tour of Potsdam Square in Berlin…

Die Europäische Stiftung

E-Book Die Europäische Stiftung

The work of foundations is becoming increasingly important throughout Europe in almost all areas of society. For this reason, foundations are currently experiencing an undreamt-of revival on the…

Creator est Creatura

E-Book Creator est Creatura

The anthology examines the historical and systematic dimensions of Luther's concentration of Christology on language-philosophically conceptualized communication through the use of idioms.…

Origenes und sein Erbe

E-Book Origenes und sein Erbe

In this volume, Christoph Markschies presents a collection of papers on Origen, the Christian theologian from Alexandria (died approx. 254 AD), who is regarded as the first Christian thinker to…

Forschung am Menschen

E-Book Forschung am Menschen

What criteria have to be met to consider using humans as subjects for biomedical experiments as ethically justifiable? Bert Heinrichs provides a systematic reasoning for the ethics of research on…

Lexikalische Strukturen

E-Book Lexikalische Strukturen

This is the second volume of the two-volume work Handbook of German Communication Verbs, edited by the renowned Institut für Deutsche Sprache (IDS) [Institute for German Language]. Whereas…

1.7. - 31.12.2002

E-Book 1.7. - 31.12.2002

Die vom Institut für Kirchenrecht und rheinische Kirchenrechtsgeschichte an der Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität zu Köln betreute Sammlung „…

Hugo Grotius

E-Book Hugo Grotius

This thesis presented to the University of Munich uses early theological, legal and political writings by Hugo Grotius to determine his political position and the argumentative strategies he…

Globalisierung und Recht

E-Book Globalisierung und Recht

“Globalization and law - contributions by Japan and Germany to an international legal system in the 21st century” - this was the subject of a jurisprudential congress in Tokyo from 29…


E-Book Miete

This ready-reference commentary on tenancies shows the complete up-to-date law of tenancy systematically and reliably and is conceived for everyday use. Statutes, case law, in particular from the…

E-Commerce im Bankbereich

E-Book E-Commerce im Bankbereich

E-Commerce is a phenomenon that threads through the whole economy. Its rapid development and the increasing importance of the Internet have led to fundamental changes in the whole services sector…

Moral aus Interesse

E-Book Moral aus Interesse

One can justify moral rules on the basis of their advantageousness without equating morality and advantage. In order to substantiate this thesis, the author shows how grounding moral rules through…


E-Book Erklären

The search for explanations is involved in every aspect of our lives. Through explaining the world around us, we seek to understand it. Striving to explain as many different phenomena as possible…

Der Verbraucherbegriff

E-Book Der Verbraucherbegriff

This work provides an impressive contribution to the very latest discussions on the harmonization of European consumer contract law. Fleur Denkinger, Universität des Saarlandes.


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