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Fachliteratur im eBook Format - Verlag: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG
14882 E-Book vorhanden

Anfang und Ursprung

E-Book Anfang und Ursprung

The question of origins has occupied people of all cultures and epochs. In a particular way it determines the thinking of philosophy, which in its classical understanding is concerned with…

Aufgehobene Verborgenheit

E-Book Aufgehobene Verborgenheit

The study uses historical models from systematic theology with reference to Biblical traditions and draws on philosophical concepts to demonstrate how the concealment of God is a necessary…

Das gewisse Etwas

E-Book Das gewisse Etwas

For some years now there has been talk of phenomenological approaches in the discussions around religious education and practical theology. Multi-faceted concepts such as lifeworld ('Lebenswelt…


E-Book Völkerrecht

The 4th edition of this textbook offers a comprehensive and highly topical representation of the law of nations in its entirety in one volume.

Codex Tchacos

E-Book Codex Tchacos

One of the most important manuscripts discovered in recent times is the 4th century Codex Tchacos. It contains 4 texts, two of which (“The Letter of Peter to Philip” and “The […

Das gute Leben

E-Book Das gute Leben

'How should I live?'This fundamental question of philosophy calls us to decide how we wish to shape our entire life. We always live with the knowledge of a past that forms our present and future…

Kognitive Grammatik

E-Book Kognitive Grammatik

Cognitive grammar transforms insights from the cognitive sciences into grammatical descriptions and attempts to use the grammar of natural languages to understand human thinking. The presentation…

Texte rahmen

E-Book Texte rahmen

The book homes in on the transitional zone between the interior and the exterior of a literary opus, i.e. its framework. It inquires into the way in which the various border regions of literary…

Das Heil Gottes

E-Book Das Heil Gottes

For Luke the Evangelist, God's encounter with Man is a salutary event. But what exactly does he mean when he speaks of 'Salvation', and how does this salutary encounter come about? Luke thinks…

Amerika und die Norm

E-Book Amerika und die Norm

This collected volume deals with the tension between literary production and traditional language norms in the two Americas. The central question posed is that of whether and how literature…

Gespenster und Gelehrte

E-Book Gespenster und Gelehrte

Yvonne Wübben examines a tract on ghosts published in 1747 by the Enlightenment figure and aestheticist G.F. Meier from Halle. She reveals the topical conditions behind its creation, together with…

Worttrennung am Zeilenende

E-Book Worttrennung am Zeilenende

In the first part of his study, the author describes the rules for hyphenating German words in such a way that the surprisingly complex interaction between the rules becomes clear; in this, his…


E-Book Substantivvalenz

Matthias Hölzner undertakes a systematic analysis of the valency behaviour of selected nouns in authentic texts. The studies are based on a multi-dimensional noun valency concept and provide…

Spielarten des Komischen

E-Book Spielarten des Komischen

Ernst Jandl (1925-2000) is a spectacular phenomenon. For an avant-garde experimental lyric poet he achieved a completely unusual level of popularity. Poems such as ottos mops ('fritz's bitch')…

Vom Drama zum Theatertext?

E-Book Vom Drama zum Theatertext?

In the course of the 20th century there was a growing discrepancy between literary dramatics and the modern stage which led to serious dislocations. Nowadays we are faced with a multiplicity of…

Poesie und Konspiration

E-Book Poesie und Konspiration

Conspiracy theories hold an unending fascination. As early as the 17th century, stories were in circulation of the allegedly omnipotent Jesuit Order and its global activities. 18th century…

Die Konfessionen Jeremias

E-Book Die Konfessionen Jeremias

The study examines the five prayers known as Jeremiah’s confessions (Jer 11,18-12,6; 15,10-21; 17,14-18; 18,18-23; 20,7-18) in their immediate and wider context. Are they older or younger…

1.1. - 30.6.2003

E-Book 1.1. - 30.6.2003

[“Rulings in Ecclesiastical Matters Since 1946”]The collection of rulings publishes the administration of justice by governmental courts in the Federal Republic of Germany pertaining…

Literatur und Wissen

E-Book Literatur und Wissen

Few problem areas of the disciplines concerned with textual interpretation have led to such intensive and controversial discussion as the relationships between literature and knowledge. This…

Elemente der Narratologie

E-Book Elemente der Narratologie

This book is a standard work for modern narrative theory. It is a German translation and expansion of the Russian work Narratologija (Moscow 2003) and presents a comprehensive foundation for…

Deutsche Satzsemantik

E-Book Deutsche Satzsemantik

This is a textbook for German Studies and a critical linguistic analysis of texts; it provides a semantics of the sentence and a theory of sentence contents, and thus complements a grammatical…

§§ 74-99 VVG

E-Book §§ 74-99 VVG

Roland Michael Beckmann, Universität des Saarlandes; Winfried Schnepp, Rechtsanwalt, Köln; Horst Baumann, Technische Universität Berlin; Robert Koch, Hochschule für Wirtschaft…

Paracelsus und die Bilder

E-Book Paracelsus und die Bilder

Paracelsus (1493‑1541) spoke in various contexts about the multi-facetted topic of images. As a radical lay theologian, he wrote in the spirit of the Reformation attacking the Roman Church…


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