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Fachliteratur im eBook Format - Verlag: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG
14882 E-Book vorhanden

Was ist ein Text?

E-Book Was ist ein Text?

The work of Egyptologists, scholars in Ancient Oriental Studies and biblical exegesis concentrates on texts which are translated, commented on, and used as sources. The production and reception of…

Das Testament Salomos

E-Book Das Testament Salomos

The Testament of Solomon is presented here for the first time in a complete German translation based on McCown’s edition of the text, up to now regarded as the authoritative version, and…

Sat. 79-110

E-Book Sat. 79-110

Of the Satyrica of Petronius, only the central section has been dealt with in modern commentaries, the famous Cena Trimalchionis . In his commentary, Peter Habermehl turns to the neglected second…

Lebewesen versus Dinge

E-Book Lebewesen versus Dinge

The notion of a living being is one of the basic concepts of our everyday ontology. Biology may be the science of living beings, but it is not the science of what it is to be a living being.…


E-Book Erbrecht

Das Erbrecht, ein inhaltlich und dogmatisch interessantes Rechtsgebiet, erfreut sich einer stetig wachsenden praktischen Bedeutung. Gegenwärtig beginnt die Fachanwaltsausbildung in diesem Bereich…

Liebe und Sein

E-Book Liebe und Sein

The author presents a study on the ontological historical development of the central Christian message of God's love. Working from the concept of 'Agape', the reality of the Church is discovered…

Das Arbeitsrecht im BGB

E-Book Das Arbeitsrecht im BGB

Ziel dieser höchstrichterlichen Kommentierung ist es, praktische Brauchbarkeit mit wissenschaftlicher Informationstiefe zu verbinden. Sie stellt die Rechtsprechung vor allem des…


E-Book WohlfühlVO

[Well-being Regulation]Lawyers and attorneys face every day a tremendous amount of stress. This publication offers numerous tips and tricks how to improve one's dealing with stress and how to to…

Europäische Methodenlehre

E-Book Europäische Methodenlehre

Methodology questions for European law, and for European civil law in particular, are presented systematically and comprehensively in the convention volume. In addition to basic principles - legal…

Nachgelassene Schriften

E-Book Nachgelassene Schriften

This second part-volume of Ferdinand Tönnies' Posthumous Writings contains mainly unpublished texts from the period 1919-1936.  The texts are a contribution to the academic and…

Gabe und Geben bei Luther

E-Book Gabe und Geben bei Luther

The author uses the cultural anthropological understanding of an 'economy of the gift' (reciprocity) to show how in Martin Luther's writings, especially between 1518 and 1522, his doctrine of…

Davids Thron

E-Book Davids Thron

The book addresses the literary problems posed by II Sam 9 – I Kings 1f. The starting point is provided by contemporary pro-dynastic source texts, which under Solomon’s reign were…

Komplexe Substanzen

E-Book Komplexe Substanzen

One building block is placed on top of another one, an atom of sodium combines with an atom of chlorine. Do new things result in each case? Or, to put it more generally, under what conditions do…

Das Spruchverfahrensgesetz

E-Book Das Spruchverfahrensgesetz

At the beginning, the author presents the historical development and the reform of the company law award proceedings. At the center of the volume is the in-depth investigation of the rulings of…

Ort und Weg

E-Book Ort und Weg

The study examines the verbal reference to (static and moving) objects in space. The empirically-founded comparison shows that even closely-related languages/dialects vary quite considerably in…

Erlösender Glaube?

E-Book Erlösender Glaube?

German translation of the English title ‘Questions of Faith’, published in 2004.What can one believe in? Can modern man hope for redemption? What was and is so special about Jesus…

1.1. - 31.12.2001

E-Book 1.1. - 31.12.2001

[“Rulings in Ecclesiastical Matters Since 1946”]The collection of rulings publishes the administration of justice by governmental courts in the Federal Republic of Germany pertaining…

Barbarische Bürger

E-Book Barbarische Bürger

Die Isaurier, ein kleinasiatisches Bergvolk, forderten über 600 Jahre lang die römische Herrschaft heraus. Sie waren neben den Juden das einzige reichsangehörige Volk, mit dem es zu längeren…


E-Book Lexikonpolitik

This doctoral thesis from the University of Tübingen uses the first edition of 'Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart' (Religion in Past and Present), the standard Protestant encyclopaedia, as…

Schilddrüse 2005

E-Book Schilddrüse 2005

The 17th Conference on the human thyroid addressed the problem of hypothyroidism. Thyroid hormone deficiency is one of the most common endocrine diseases, particularly affecting the elderly (over…

Europäisches Absatzrecht

E-Book Europäisches Absatzrecht

The author introduces the various provisions of the European Sales Law, describes them and examines the extent to which they can be understood as an ordered whole: as a system of European sales…

1.1.- 30.6.2002

E-Book 1.1.- 30.6.2002

Die vom Institut für Kirchenrecht und rheinische Kirchenrechtsgeschichte an der Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität zu Köln betreute Sammlung „…

Die Weisheit des Silen

E-Book Die Weisheit des Silen

The Wisdom of the Silenus plays around the motif of the misery of human life. Omnipresent in literature and art in the first half of the 19th century, it is the antitype and spur to that…

Kants Logik der Begriffe

E-Book Kants Logik der Begriffe

Taking account of Kant's unpublished mss., the author presents a close textual interpretation of Kant's logic of concepts. He deals on the one hand with Kant's explanations of the form of all…

Kultur und Wissenschaft

E-Book Kultur und Wissenschaft

The volume presents the reports and discussions held at the conference of the “Association of German Constitutional Law Teachers” in Frankfurt from October, 5th to October 8th,…

Der Mensch im Mythos

E-Book Der Mensch im Mythos

In his late philosophy, Schelling develops a new type of philosophy which enters into competition with Hegel's metaphysics. With this, he not only attacks Hegel on the basis of his fundamental…


E-Book Sachenrecht

The purpose of the work is to systematically cover the law of property as a component of private law in general, with its constitutional and European-law foundations, as well as the issues of…


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