eBooks vom Verlag: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG

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Fachliteratur im eBook Format - Verlag: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG
14882 E-Book vorhanden

Liberale Gleichheit

E-Book Liberale Gleichheit

With his texts on philosophy, economics, and politics, John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) was one of the most influential thinkers of 19th century liberalism. This compendium includes articles and…

Peri hermeneias

E-Book Peri hermeneias

Peri hermeneias wird in dem jetzt in dritter Auflage erscheinenden vorliegenden Band durch eine neue deutsche Übersetzung und einen ausführlichen Kommentar dem Verständnis des heutigen Lesers…

Liebesgedichte / Amores

E-Book Liebesgedichte / Amores

First published in 1999 within the bilingual collection Sammlung Tusculum, the Latin/German edition of Ovid’s Amores (Erotic Poems) has now been revised and updated in a way which includes…

Predigten 1832

E-Book Predigten 1832

The third section of the Critical Complete Edition includes all existing sermons preached by Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768-1834). The 59 sermons from 1832 presented in the present volume…

Zurechnung bei Kant

E-Book Zurechnung bei Kant

Die vorliegende Studie erschließt erstmals umfassendden Zurechnungsbegriff in Kants praktischer Philosophie. Ein Zurechnungsurteil bringt zum Ausdruck, dass eine Handlung auf den freien Willen…

Über das Gebet

E-Book Über das Gebet

In his text 'On Prayer' Origen challenges the Gnostic tendencies that regarded prayer as useless and reprehensible. Starting from the philosophical perspective of his listeners, Origen links…


E-Book Paradigmenwechsel

Thomas S. Kuhn coined the term 'paradigm shift' in 1962, and since then, it has taken on discursive power beyond the realm of the philosophy of science. This work's examination of the cultural…


E-Book Endometriose

The fourth revised edition incorporates all of the newest insights and developments regarding this prevalent disease and creates thereby the groundwork for its effective treatment. Andreas D…


E-Book 2014

The Yearbook of the German Schiller Society (Jahrbuch der Deutschen Schillergesellschaft) will be published by De Gruyter from Volume 58 onward both in print and as an e-book.

Regnum Papisticum

E-Book Regnum Papisticum

Thomas Naogeorg is one of the most important writers of the Reformation movement; his writings reflect the societal, literary, and spiritual problems of life during the middle of the century of…

Ovids verkehrte Exilwelt

E-Book Ovids verkehrte Exilwelt

This book reveals the literary ways in which Ovid dealt with his exile. It develops the self-portrait of a masterful poet whose individualism seems to presage modernity, and shows how Ovid makes…

§§ 78-127a

E-Book §§ 78-127a

Die Kommentierung umfasst neben der Zivilprozessordnung auch die relevanten Nebengesetze (wie EGZPO, GVG, KapMuG und MediationsG) sowie das europäische und internationale Zivilprozessrecht…

Faszinosum 'Klang'

E-Book Faszinosum 'Klang'

The analysis of sound phenomena and their cultural functions has become a major field of research. Adopting an anthropological perspective, this book aims, among other things, to usefully…

Geist und Unsterblichkeit

E-Book Geist und Unsterblichkeit

Although Kierkegaard's conception of himself as being a 'religious writer' is generally known, the dogmatic aspect of his thought has rarely been the subject of thorough research. The basic…

Kunstkatalog - Katalogkunst

E-Book Kunstkatalog - Katalogkunst

What strategies do contemporary artists use in relation to the exhibition catalogue? How do they present their works and themselves, and what does the catalogue teach us about the notion of art…

Predigten 1828-1829

E-Book Predigten 1828-1829

From his pulpit, Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher (1768–1834) was able to inspire his contemporaries in a singular manner. The present volume includes editions of his sermons from 81…

Zenon von Elea

E-Book Zenon von Elea

Nearly all the surviving works of Zeno of Elea are mere paraphrases and discussions of his thoughts on the part of later authors. Nevertheless, analysis of all relevant sources does lead to…

§§ 394-395

E-Book §§ 394-395

The 40th installment of the 4th edition of the Commentary on the Stock Corporation Act includes commentaries on §§ 394 and 395 of the German Stock Corporation Act. Peter M.…

Bankvertragsrecht 2

E-Book Bankvertragsrecht 2

The just published second partial volume on Banking Contract Law (HGB) covers the two principal aspects of commercial banking – namely, payment transactions and lending. The commentaries place…

Der 'Neue Hypereides'

E-Book Der 'Neue Hypereides'

The 'Archimedes Palimpsest', that aroused the interest of the scientific community in 1998, contains the so called New Hypereides. Based upon a tentative text-critical reconstruction of the text…


E-Book Lichtquellen

This textbook presents in-depth knowledge about light sources in a clear, application-oriented manner, starting from the physical principles of light generation and light structure and…

Proklos, 'Tria opuscula'

E-Book Proklos, 'Tria opuscula'

The Tria Opuscula by the Late Antique Neoplatonist Proklos are accessible in full in the translation into medieval Latin by Wilhelm von Moerbeke, as well as in fragments in the Greek texts of…

Gebaute Entfestigung

E-Book Gebaute Entfestigung

How does a city become an open city after a long history of being walled? Turin is notable in this regard for two important architectural ensembles: the Superga Basilica and Piazza Vittorio…

Galileis denkende Hand

E-Book Galileis denkende Hand

Galileo's Thinking Hand represents a fundamental revision of the earlier work Galileo, the Artist published in 2007. The sections incorrectly identifying a forgery as the work of Galileo have…

Der Tod und die Mädchen

E-Book Der Tod und die Mädchen

Why was the bloody struggle between the Amazons and Greeks among the most popular subjects for depiction on Roman sarcophagi? This study uses the extensive corpus of Amazon sarcophageal imagery…

Jenseits der Tradition?

E-Book Jenseits der Tradition?

This volume brings together new research perspectives on how religious traditions have been criticized, reconsidered, and modified by exploring the dialectics of continuity and rupture that…


E-Book 1.1.-30.06.2011

The compilation publishes judicial decisions on the part of state courts in the Federal Republic of Germany with regard to the relationship of church and state and other problem areas…

§§ 1 - 272 KAGB

E-Book §§ 1 - 272 KAGB

Die 3. Auflage des Kommentars 'Investmentgesetze' führt das etablierte und in Fachkreisen überaus geschätzte Werk weiter und passt es an die geänderte Gesetzeslage an. Auch die…

§§ 161-237

E-Book §§ 161-237

Band 4 umfasst die Kommentierung zur KG, einschließlich der Publikumsgesellschaft, sowie zur stillen Gesellschaft (§§ 161 bis 177a und §§ 230 bis 236 HGB); sie wurde von…

Vorschule der Aesthetik

E-Book Vorschule der Aesthetik

The first edition of the Primary Course in Aesthetics was published in 1804 as Jean Paul’s personal record of his theory of art. In it, he defines his approach to aesthetics in…

Predigten 1816-1819

E-Book Predigten 1816-1819

Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768–1834) had an extraordinary impact on the thinking of his time, and he reached his contemporaries in many ways through his sermons. The 5th volume of section…

§§ 864-915h

E-Book §§ 864-915h

Die Kommentierung umfasst neben der Zivilprozessordnung auch die relevanten Nebengesetze (wie EGZPO, GVG, KapMuG und MediationsG) sowie das europäische und internationale Zivilprozessrecht…

Europäische Methodenlehre

E-Book Europäische Methodenlehre

This handbook systematically presents methodological issues in European law. The work combines an in-depth examination of methodological questions with detailed examples that cover specific…


E-Book Text

Volume 16.1 contains the final book version of the Abderites, one of the earliest serialized novels in German literature. When compared with the serial version of the novel, as presented in…

§§ 232-241a

E-Book §§ 232-241a

Band 7/Teilband 2 enthält die Erläuterungen des 18. Abschnitts des Strafgesetzbuches. Die dort geregelten Delikte gegen die persönliche Freiheit umfassen ein breites Spektrum von…


E-Book Nominalprädikate

The valency concept provides a model capable of dealing with the semantic and syntactic aspects of the relationship between typically verbal predicates and their typically nominal actants in…

Syntax des Bairischen

E-Book Syntax des Bairischen

This is the first systematic study of the syntax of a German dialect to combine the findings of modern syntactic theory with other linguistic areas (diachrony, morphology, semantics, discourse…

Wortbildung und Grammatik

E-Book Wortbildung und Grammatik

This study inquires into the 'place' word-formation has in grammar. It develops a model in which the grammatical regularities of word-formation are derived not from morphology-specific rules but…


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