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Fachliteratur im eBook Format - Verlag: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co.KG
14882 E-Book vorhanden

Der junge Botho Strauß

E-Book Der junge Botho Strauß

The study proceeds on the following premise: in his apprentice years (1963-1975) the young Botho Strauß (b. 1944) elaborated a poetics centering around historical theatre reality and focussing…

Knappes Sprechen

E-Book Knappes Sprechen

The form of language used to accompany actions performs different functions from a conversation; it differs in its structure, and analysis reveals hitherto largely neglected phenomena such as…

Germanistische Linguistik

E-Book Germanistische Linguistik

The volume assembles papers from an eponymous colloquium held in Brunswick on the 18th/19th September 2001. It sets out to provide a documentation and overview of key concerns, currents and…

Begegnung mit Hermann Lenz

E-Book Begegnung mit Hermann Lenz

The volume is largely made up of papers presented at a symposium devoted to the works of Hermann Lenz (1913-1998). Its reflects the broad spectrum of responses aroused by Lenz' books both in the…


E-Book Götterspeise

The Buddenbrooks may be the biggest eaters but they are not the only ones. All Thomas Mann's novels contain important meal scenes. Eating is not just the intake of food for survival purposes. It…

Nietzsche als Roman

E-Book Nietzsche als Roman

The study proceeds from an inquiry into Thomas Mann's position with regard to tradition and the conviction that this question can only be answered by analyzing the way in which meaning is…

Hölderlins Nürtingen

E-Book Hölderlins Nürtingen

This inquiry into Hölderlin's 'home' is divided into two parts. In the first, the study examines the biography of Friedrich Hölderlin (1770-1843), with special reference to his relations with…

Gattung und Geschlecht

E-Book Gattung und Geschlecht

The late 18th century saw the emergence of German women writers in the field of travel writing. Underlying their efforts was a gender-specific code of rules that restricted them both…

Prutz, Hettner und Haym

E-Book Prutz, Hettner und Haym

With some reference to Heine, Rosenkranz and Vischer, this study presents Prutz, Hettner and Haym as a generation of literary historians crucially influenced by Hegelianism. It thematizes the…


E-Book Übungsbuch

Hundreds of challenging and varied exercises and solutions in organic chemistry provide undergraduate chemistry students and students with chemistry as a minor field with comprehensive exam…

Spekulation als Poesie

E-Book Spekulation als Poesie

Around 1800, Schiller and Hölderlin were among the authors who separated literature from philosophy and assigned literature a special status due to its quality of presentation. This study…

Ausgesetzte Schöpfung

E-Book Ausgesetzte Schöpfung

Else Lasker-Schüler's prose works cover the period from 1906 to 1937. Their multifarious links with central literary, philosophical and psychoanalytic works of the modern age demonstrate the…

Fremde Historien

E-Book Fremde Historien

Taking the »Melusine« romance as an example, this study compares the conditions governing literary production and reception in late medieval France and Germany. In so doing, it also addresses…

Ebenen der Textstruktur

E-Book Ebenen der Textstruktur

The articles in this volume discuss the feasibility of distinguishing separate levels of structure in texts and describing the interplay between them. The focus is on three levels pertaining to…

Von Newton zu Haller

E-Book Von Newton zu Haller

These studies investigate the concept of nature and science in early Enlightenment thinking on natural law and the contribution to its development made by Albrecht von Haller's scientific method…


E-Book Zeitung

The volume provides an introduction to themes and problems central to the phenomenon of newspaper communication. It considers first of all the constitution of the concept 'newspaper' and the…

Design digitaler Medien

E-Book Design digitaler Medien

Digital media are gaining greater significance all the time. In comparison with traditional media this involves changes not only in the reception conditions for users but also in the conceptual…

Erziehung zur Tugend

E-Book Erziehung zur Tugend

This study is designed as a contribution to gender studies; it examines the (various different) ways in which gender roles are constructed in 18th century educational manuals and novels in…


E-Book Mnemographie

Walter Benjamin's work is central to the debate on the crisis of remembrance in modern aesthetics. The study shows how, although Benjamin's poetics of remembrance is couched in terms of the…

Vor der Literatur

E-Book Vor der Literatur

Up to now, the marriage between literary studies and sociological systems theory has been exclusively consummated on modern literature since 1800. This study is the first to adapt systems theory…

Von Franzos zu Canetti

E-Book Von Franzos zu Canetti

This collection of new studies on Jewish authors from Austria (among them Franzos, Beer-Hofmann, Schnitzler, Broch, Roth, Kisch, Brod, Canetti, Celan, Ausländer) is dedicated to the Tel-Aviv…

Zwischen den Kulturen

E-Book Zwischen den Kulturen

The articles in this volume originated from a symposium organized in 1994 by the Franz Rosenzweig Research Centre of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The aim was to elaborate a methodological…

Draußen vor dem Ghetto

E-Book Draußen vor dem Ghetto

The Bohemian and Moravian ghetto novels by Leopold Kompert (1822-1886), Eduard Kulke (1831-1897) and others are a repository of frequently highly detailed information on Jewish social life in…

Poetik der Transformation

E-Book Poetik der Transformation

A collection of analyses of Paul Celan's work as a translator is supplemented here by studies on and by translators of Celan's works into other languages. The intriguing quality of this…

Im Auftrieb

E-Book Im Auftrieb

Various approaches to staging Goethe's »Faust« undertaken in the 1990s are discussed here in a series of individual analyses. Following on from an engagement with the play from a largely…

Barlaam und Josaphat

E-Book Barlaam und Josaphat

Cultural phenomena taking place in Medieval Europe rarely attained the dimensions of the legend of Barlaam and Josaphat. This volume includes essays about different aspects of this phenomenon…

Chemie der Farbmittel

E-Book Chemie der Farbmittel

This book deals with the chemical structures of paints, pigments, dyes, binders, and excipients. Starting from the principles of natural science that underlie coloration, it presents the…

Briefe II (1894-1904)

E-Book Briefe II (1894-1904)

Almost 300 letters, postcards, and telegrams from and to Troeltsch reveal the extraordinary productivity of the young Heidelberg Professor of Systematic Theology along with his great…

Goethe in seiner Epoche

E-Book Goethe in seiner Epoche

Most of the essays in this collection are the fruit of work done for the Goethe Museum Frankfurt/Main (Freies Deutsches Hochstift). While Goethe is not always in the forefront of the studies,…

'In Spuren gehen ...'

E-Book 'In Spuren gehen ...'

The festschrift for Helmut Koopmann assembles contributions from renowned friends and colleagues reflecting the wide range of interests pursued by its dedicatee. The volume opens with a homage…

Raum- und Zeitreisen

E-Book Raum- und Zeitreisen

In terms of motion and narration, travel and travel accounts represent a conflation of spatial and temporal experiences. The articles in this volume examine accounts of real and imaginary…

Des Dandys Wort als Waffe

E-Book Des Dandys Wort als Waffe

In Barbey d'Aurevilly's (1808-1889) literary works the dandy takes on an important role not merely as protagonist but also as narrator. The properties that characterize him and his antibourgeois…

Hellenistische Agorai

E-Book Hellenistische Agorai

As the social, political, and economic center of public life in a polis, the agora underwent profound changes during the Hellenistic period. This study examines agorai as symbolically charged…

Lateinische Grammatik

E-Book Lateinische Grammatik

This innovative grammar, presented here for the first time in German translation, takes into account the newest developments in linguistics. Rather than following one particular linguistic model…

Diaspora als Wüstenzeit

E-Book Diaspora als Wüstenzeit

Insights from modern translation studies have found little application until now in research on the Septuagint. This study applies the functionalist (skopos) theory of translation to the Greek…

In der Strafkolonie

E-Book In der Strafkolonie

Kafka's short story dramatizes the problematic relationship between power and justice by channeling parabolic imagery from the depths of our social existence and psyche. The Kafka expert Renate…


E-Book Patentgesetz

The work offers a comprehensive representation of the German patent law with a commentary on patent law, patent royalty law, patented design law, semiconductor protection act, and the employee…


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