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The Friction of the Frame

Derrida' s Parergon in Literature

AutorSimone Heller-Andrist
VerlagNarr Francke Attempto
Seitenanzahl277 Seiten
Preis46,40 EUR
In her study, Simone Heller-Andrist applies the Kantian and Derridean parergon to English literature. The parergon is a specific type of frame that interacts with the work it surrounds in a fashion likely to influence or even manipulate our reading of the work. On the basis of this interaction, Derridas parergon becomes a valid methodological tool that allows a close analysis of the mechanisms involved in the reading process. The manipulative force of a textual construct is apparent through the occurrence of friction, namely incongruities or gaps we notice during the reading process. Friction is thus, on the one hand, the main indicator of parergonality and, on the other, the prime signal for a potential conditioning of the reader. As readers, we not only have to analyze the interaction between work and parergon but must also constantly reflect upon our own position with regard to the text that we read. By means of the concept of the parergon, we can approach not only paratextual, narrative or discursive frames but also intertextual relationships. Since the application of the concept is based on a basic textual constellation and an internal mechanism, its range is wide and transcends or complements previously established textual categories.

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Blick ins Buch
1. Introduction: Frameworks, or the Frame at Work12
2. Frameworks and Paratexts: From Typology to Function20
Frames, Paratexts, and Typology21
Derrida’s Parergon and Kant27
The Parergon Today42
Mechanisms, Functions, and the Effect of the Parergonal Framework49
3. Derrida’s Parergon in Literature: Model Analyses72
I Protection of Author or Work72
A Matter of Reception: Walpole’s The Castle of Otranto74
Transgressing Gender Boundaries: Eliot’s Middlemarch86
Bridging the Gap: Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter100
A Final Twist: Forster’s A Room with a View115
The Hybrid: Fielding’s Tom Jones125
II Diminution or Amplification of the Work’sPolitical Impact142
Breaking the Fourth Wall: Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream143
A Usurped Autobiography: Defoe’s Moll Flanders163
III Textual Dialogues: The Reader as a Mediator173
The Average and the Individual: Everyman Meets Roth’s Everyman184
Competing Protagonists: Brontë’s Jane Eyre and Rhys’ WideSargasso Sea209
4. Conclusion: Parergon versus Ergon: Interplay orPowerplay?246
Works Cited254

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