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Literarische Form / Literary Form

Theorien - Dynamiken - Kulturen. Beiträge zur literarischen Modellforschung / Theories - Dynamics - Cultures. Perspectives on Literary Modelling

VerlagUniversitätsverlag WINTER
Seitenanzahl487 Seiten
Preis55,00 EUR
This volume on literary form charts some key directions which the reconsideration of form in literary studies is currently taking and may fruitfully pursue further. The papers collected here build upon recent inquiries into the relationship between form, structure and modelling and contribute to (re-)establishing 'form' as a key concept of literary studies. They explore the poetics and the history of form through case studies from a wide range of cultures, periods, and discourses. Contributors examine well-established binaries like 'chaos vs. form', 'form vs. matter', or 'content vs. form', as well as their dynamic counterparts in concepts like morphology and 'inner form', or form as operational self-reference. These reconsiderations all participate in the project of a 'poetics of culture' broadly conceived, and they fall into three larger categories: historical and systematic studies of theories of form (ideas and concepts of form), dynamics of form (generic transformation), and cultures of form (transfers of forms between cultures, disciplines, and media).

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Impressum / Imprint5
Inhaltsverzeichnis / Table of Contents6
Robert Matthias Erdbeer, Florian Kläger, Klaus Stierstorfer: Across Philologies. Aesthetic Modelling and Literary Form10
I Theories of Form32
Michael Niehaus: Gebilde – Format32
Eva Axer: Die „morphologische Aufgabe“ in der Literaturwissenschaft. Zum Verhältnis von Form und Zeit in André Jolles’ "Einfache Formen"52
Paul Keckeis: Die Generizität der Form. Geschichte und System in Fredric Jamesons dialektischer Gattungstheorie70
Darin Tenev: Modes of Fiction, Models of Fiction96
II Dynamics of Form114
Christel Meier: Formexperiment und Gattungsbewusstsein in der lateinischen Literatur des Hochmittelalters114
Hermann Josef Real: ‘Forming’ Destruction or, the Sabotage of Genre in Jonathan Swift’s Poetry142
Werner Michler: Form und Norm. Verhalten und Ästhetik bei Adalbert Stifter170
Douglas Brown: Temporality and Sonnet Form in Auden’s “In Time of War”192
Eugen Raduwohl: The ‘Exploded Form’: Characteristics of the Atypical, Indefinable, Inimitable. A Case Study on Ion D. Sîrbu’s Posthumous Novel "A Farewell to Europe!"228
Daria Baryshnikova: Cut-Ups as Form and Device in Contemporary Culture248
Vera Mütherig: „Vorläufig definitiv?“ Der Remix als Form akustischer Literatur270
III Cultures of Form306
Christian D. Haß: ,Geerdetes Denken? (Teil 1). (Agri)Kultur als Formverfahren und Episteme bei Varro, "De re rustica"306
Witold Sadowski: A Generic Worldview. The Case of the Chronotope of Litany348
Sonja Fielitz: Aesthetic Modelling in the Age of Classicism. Ovid’s "Metamorphoses" and the Binary of Chaos and Form376
Reto Rössler: Form-/Verfahren. Kosmologie und Lehrgedicht in der Aufklärung (Sucro – Kant – Kästner)400
Dagmar Stöferle: Die Form der Eheschließung als literarisches Modell (Goethe – Manzoni – Hugo)430
Roxana Elena Doncu: Coaxing Words into Form. The Poetry of Dana Gioia458

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