Strategy, Organization and Performance Management: From Basics to Best Practices

Autor | Soeren Dressler |
Verlag | Universal Publishers |
Erscheinungsjahr | 2004 |
Seitenanzahl | 335 Seiten |
ISBN | 9781581125320 |
Format | |
Kopierschutz | DRM |
Geräte | PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet |
Preis | 14,95 EUR |
Designing effective organizations is a key challenge for companies in particular in the fast-moving business world of today. The late 1990s and early 2000s have seen multiple Organization Management innovations applied successfully such as Business Process Outsourcing, Shared Services and Offshoring. Advanced techniques such as Balanced Scorecards and integrated Planning Systems have become effective enablers for strategy execution.
This book spans a framework from strategy definition and designing strategy-compliant organizations to monitoring effective implementation and Performance Management. On this journey basic principles of Organization Management are discussed in detail and at the same time state-of-the-art Best Practices are highlighted.
A set of to-the-point case studies demonstrate how leading-edge companies make effective use of the concepts discussed. The approach of the book is of great use for both: students underway to become Organization Management practioners and experienced business experts in search of the latest thinking and tools to enhance Organizational Effectiveness - and everybody in between.
The Author
Soeren Dressler is a Principal with A.T. Kearney's Global Technology and Transformation Practice and based in Chicago. He leads A.T. Kearney's Service Offering for Finance and Accounting and focuses his consulting work on Corporate Restructuring, Business Process Outsourcing, Shared Services and Offshoring. Since the summer of 2002 he is Adjunct Professor of Strategy and Organization at Loyola University Chicago Graduate School of Business. He teaches the MBA capstone course. Organization and Strategy. and holds further teaching assignments at the DePaul University of Chicago Kellstadt Graduate School of Business where he co-teaches an Executive MBA course on Global Best Practices and Benchmarking.
Prior to his career with A.T. Kearney, he was with Arthur Andersen Business Consulting, and before joining the consulting industry, Soeren Dressler was with Daimler Benz InterServices.
Most of his academic career has taken place at the University of Technology, Dresden, Germany, where he has been teaching graduate level classes in Strategic Management, Organization Management, and Management Accounting.
Soeren Dressler holds a PhD in Organizational Design from the University of Technology, Dresden and a Diploma in Business from the Otto-Friedrich University, Bamberg, Germany.