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Terminologia Embryologica

International Embryological Terminology

VerlagGeorg Thieme Verlag KG
Seitenanzahl312 Seiten
Preis149,99 EUR
Morphological terminologies constitute the basis of communication in the Health Sciences. It is important that medical and scientific communities throughout the world use the same term for each structure and biological process. This book contains the internationally accepted terminology for human embryology in Latin, with official equivalent terms in English. Having been ratified by the General Assembly of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA), Terminologia Embryologica is now the official terminology for human morphological development, superseding the previous Nomina Embryologica.

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FIPAT – Federative International Programme on Anatomical Terminologies: Terminologia Embryologica/International Embryological Terminology1
Title page4
Nomina generalia/General terms12
Mensurae embryonicae et fetales/Embryonic and fetal measurements13
Cycli genitales feminini/Female reproductive cycles13
Cyclus genitalis masculinus/Male reproductive cycle16
Anomaliae reproductionis/Reproductive anomalies16
Ordo ontogeneticus/Ontogenetic sequence20
Ontogenesis praenatalis/Prenatal ontogeny20
Ontogenesis postnatalis/Postnatal ontogeny23
Embryogenesis/Embryogenesis Embryogeny25
Processus embryonici/Embryonic processes25
Histogenesis generalis/General histogenesis General histogeny31
Cellulae antecedentes/Antecedent cells31
Factores crescentiae/Growth factors32
Factores transcriptionis/Transcription factors33
Structurae cristae neuralis/Neural crest structures33
Textus connectivi atque sustinentes/Connective and supporting tissues37
Ossa Systema skeletale/Bones Skeletal system41
Skeletogenesis generalis/General skeletogenesis41
Skeleton axiale/Axial skeleton41
Membra et skeleton appendiculare/Limbs and appendicular skeleton46
Juncturae Systema articulare/Joints Articular system46
Anomaliae skeletales/Skeletal anomalies47
Musculi Systema musculare/Muscles Muscular system53
Systema digestorium/Alimentary system57
Cavitas oris/Oral cavity58
Canalis digestorius Canalis oesophagogastrointestinalis/Alimentary canal64
Ansa umbilicalis intestini/Midgut loop Umbilical intestinal loop67
Jejunum et Ileum/Jejunum and Ileum67
Intestinum crassum/Large intestine68
Canalis analis/Anal canal69
Urenteron Pars postcloacalis intestini/Postcloacal gut Tailgut Endgut70
Ductus choledochus Ductus biliaris/Bile duct71
Vesica biliaris et ductus cysticus/Gallbladder and cystic duct72
Systema respiratorium/Respiratory system74
Formatio arboris respiratoriae/Formation of respiratory tree75
Systema urinarium/Urinary system78
Vesica urinaria et Urethra/Urinary bladder and Urethra80
Systemata genitalia/Genital systems82
Ductus genitales/Genital ducts84
Organa genitalia externa/External genitalia88
Coeloma et septa/Coelom and septa90
Massae mesenchymales mesentericae Mesenteria primordialia/Mesenchymal mesenteric masses Primordial mesenteries92
Glandulae endocrinae/Endocrine glands93
Hypophysis Glandula pituitaria/Pituitary gland93
Glandula pinealis Epiphysis cerebri Corpus pineale/Pineal gland Pineal body94
Glandula thyroidea/Thyroid gland94
Glandula parathyroidea/Parathyroid gland95
Glandula suprarenalis/Suprarenal gland Adrenal gland95
Insula pancreatica {vide Pancreas}/Pancreatic islet {see Pancreas}96
Systema cardiovasculare/Cardiovascular system96
Formatio haemocytorum/Blood cell production107
Systema lymphoideum/Lymphoid system109
Textus lymphoidei primarii/Primary lymphoid tissues109
Textus lymphoidei secundarii/Secondary lymphoid tissues110
Systema nervosum/Nervous system113
Pars centralis Systema nervosum centrale/Central nervous system [CNS]114
Tubus neuralis/Neural tube114
Medulla spinalis/Spinal cord116
Pars peripherica Systema nervosum periphericum/Peripheral nervous system [PNS]126
Crista neuralis/Neural crest126
Placodae neurogenicae/Neurogenic placodes127
Nn. olfactorius et vomeronasalis/Olfactory and vomeronasal nerves128
Ganglia sensoria/Sensory ganglia128
Motoneuron Neuron motorium/Motor neuron129
Neurofibra/Nerve fibre130
Partes nervi peripherici/Elements of peripheral nerve130
Locus transitionis inter systema nervosum centrale et systema nervosum periphericum/CNS – PNS transitional zone [TZ]130
Gliocyti peripherici/Peripheral glial cells131
Formatio unitatis motoriae/Motor unit development132
Pars autonomica systematis nervosi peripherici/Autonomic part of peripheral nervous system132
Systema nervosum entericum/Enteric nervous system133
Textus connectivus nervi peripherici/Connective tissue of peripheral nerve133
Organa sensuum/Sense organs135
Organum olfactorium Organum olfactus/Olfactory organ135
Organum gustatorium Organum gustus/Gustatory organ136
Oculus et structurae pertinentes/Eye and related structures136
Integumentum commune/Integument143
Tela subcutanea/Subcutaneous tissue146
Adnexa embryonica et fetalia Membranae extraembryonicae et fetales/Developmental adnexa Extra-embryonic and fetal membranes147
Adnexa embryonica/Embryonic adnexa147
Adnexa fetalia/Fetal membranes151
Notatio temporum ontologicorum/Temporal stages of development155
Ontogenesis praenatalis/Prenatal ontogeny155
Embryogenesis/Embryogenesis Embryogeny155
Tempora fetalia/Fetal periods182
Insignia neonati maturi/Features of mature neonate194
Nomina dysmorphica/Dysmorphia terms197
Embryogenesis dysmorphicarum/Embryogenesis of dysmorphias197
Index of Eponyms198
Index of Latin Terms204
Index of English Terms251

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